A bedtime story in poem for preschoolers. Firefly Farm, a special place, Where magic happens with such grace. At night, the fields light up so bright, With fireflies dancing in delight. A Brother and sister, Cale and Sky, Watching chickens run and fly. But Helen hen...
Where tiny seeds sprout into big stories
The Luminous Firefly
A story and rhyme just for bedtime. Little Flicker, tiny light,Couldn't shine, not quite right."Why won't my glow come through?"He wondered what to do.Off he flew on quest so brave,Through the forest, over wave.Seeking help from creatures wise,To find his light and...
From Crowing to Caring: Silver’s Tale
A short poem story for preschoolers. Silver Rooster, oh so bright,His feathers shone in morning light.He strutted 'round the farm all day,And crowed so loud, as if to say:"I'm the boss of Firefly Farm!My beauty's great, I mean no harm."But Silver pushed and Silver...
Woof and Wag: Henry at Camp Bow Wow
Enjoy our dog bedtime stories in verse for preschoolers. Henry the collie, so playful and bright,Watched as his family packed up for their flight."Don't worry," they said with a pat on his head,"Camp Bow-Wow's waiting!" And off they all sped. A blue van arrived with a...
Henry’s Happy Quacky Family
A five minute story about ducks in verse for preschoolers. Henry was the smartest pup, Herding sheep with joyful yupp! He loved his work, a clever soul, Watching critters, that was his role. But ducklings hatched, all soft and sweet, Chirped "Quack! You're Mama!" at...
Overcoming Fears Together
Five minute story poem for preschoolers. Claire’s hair shone bright like the sun, A summer visit had begun. Firefly Farm, so green and grand, Was made with loving, working hands. Grandpa’s face was kind and wise, He showed her Star, a big surprise! A horse so tall,...
Merry Misadventures of Henry
Join Henry in one of our Firefly Farm dog stories. Under five minute story in verse for preschoolers. Henry the farm dog woke with a yawn, A rooster's crow at the break of dawn. With a wag of his tail and a happy bark, He leapt from his bed, up for a lark. Henry, a...
Harmony’s Joyful Journey with a Wise Turtle
Under five minute bedtime story for preschoolers. Harmony moved to a big farm called Firefly Farm. She missed her old home in the city. The farm was so quiet and still. "I'm all alone here," Harmony said with a sad sigh. She sat under a big oak tree. Just then, a wise...
Jasmine, Grandma Ruth, and the Healing Flowers
Under five minute bedtime gardening story for preschoolers. In a hidden corner of Firefly Farm, where a towering oak tree stood silently and a giggling brook meandered, there was a garden unlike any other. This was where young Jasmine, a girl full of curiosity,...
City Boy, Country Heart: Max and the Lost Lamb
Five minute story for preschoolers. Max was a city boy who loved playing games on his tablet. But one summer, his parents said he would stay with Grandpa Bob on Firefly Farm. Max wasn’t sure about this—no city lights, no tablet games, just cows and chickens? When Max...
Rainy Day Sunshine Cookies
Under 5 minute farm stories for preschoolers. Lily often visited her Grandma Ruth on Firefly Farm. It was her favorite place, full of green fields and happy animals. Lily and Grandma Ruth loved to cook together! They used yummy things from the garden, like carrots and...
The Little Lamb’s New Look
Under five minute farmyard story for preschoolers. On Firefly Farm, there lived a gentle family of sheep. Everyone loved them! The horses, the cows, and even the pigs were happy when the sheep were around. Sheep are such kind creatures, and their soft bleating makes...