Join Henry in one of our Firefly Farm dog stories.

Under five minute story in verse for preschoolers.

Henry chases chickens in one of our Firefly Farm dog stories.
But one sly old hen made a dash,
Under the fence, quick as a flash.
Henry followed her into the pigpen,
Where startled pigs grunted and then...

Oh, what a ruckus, what a sight!
Pigs and dog, a chaotic delight.
Through mud and muck, Henry did run,
Trying to catch that hen was such fun.
Henry chases a chicken into the pigpen
Just as he thought he had her at last,
She spread her wings and flew right past.
Poor Henry was left, all covered in grime,
Feathers and mud, it was quite a time!
Henry is covered with mud and feathers
Farmer Bob appeared, with chuckle and grin,
"Henry, you rascal, you dove right in!
Leave the chickens be, go take a dip,
Cool off in the pond from your muddy trip."

With a bark and a splash, Henry swam with glee,
Ready for a nap, happy as can be.
He didn't catch that tricky old hen,
But he had an adventure, and he'd do it again!
Henry relaxes in the farm pond

For life on the farm is full of surprises,
Mischief and fun, and tricks in all sizes.
Henry the farm dog, with his wagging tail,
Is always ready for a new tale to unveil!

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