An adaptation of The History of Codadad and His Brothers from One Thousand and One Nights. Once upon a time, in a beautiful city called Harran, there lived a Sultan who had fifty sons. While forty-nine of these princes lived in the palace, one special prince named...
Inspired by 1001 Arabian Nights stories. A modernized collection of folk tales offering rich insights and universal themes.
The Story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
An adaptation of The Story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves from The Arabian Nights: Their Best-known Tales. An adaptation of The Story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves from The Arabian Nights: Their Best-known Tales.Chapter 1: The Woodcutter's DiscoveryChapter 2:...
City of Enchanted Dreams
An adaptation of The Story of the City of Brass from The 1001 Arabian Nights. An adaptation of The Story of the City of Brass from The 1001 Arabian Nights.Chapter 1: The Tale of Solomon's BottlesChapter 2: The Journey BeginsChapter 3 The Brass HorsemanChapter 4: The...
The Palace of a Hundred Doors
Adapted from The Story Of Prince Agib from One Thousand Arabian Nights: Their Best-known Tales. Chapter 1: The Mysterious SeaChapter 2: The Mountain of MagnetsChapter 3: The Morning of the StormChapter 4: The Magic BoatChapter 5: The Secret DoorChapter 6: The...
Basim’s Big Adventure
An adaptation for preschoolers of The Story of Gulnare of the Sea from 1001 Nights. Once upon a time, a wise old man named Malik lived in a quiet town by the big blue sea. Malik loved to learn about everything—plants, animals, stars, and the sea. But sometimes, he...
Gulnare and the Bridge Between Worlds
Adapted from The Story of Gulnare of the Sea from 1001 Nights Stories. In the ancient land of Persia, there lived a renowned sage named Malik. His home was the tranquil coastal town of Khorassan, resting by the vast expanse of the sea. Malik was known far and wide for...
The Fisherman and the Genie
A bedtime story adapted from the Arabian Nights tale of the fisherman and the genie. Once upon a time, there was a kind fisherman named Ali. He lived with his wife and three children. They were very poor and had very little food. Ali got up early every morning to...
Fisherman, Genie, and the Young Prince
An adaptation of two tales from The Arabian Nights: The Story of the Fisherman and the Jinnee and The History of the Young King of the Black Isles. Part One: The Story of the Fisherman and the GenieChapter 1: The Fisherman and the Genie in a BottleChapter 2: The Gift...
Star Babies Space Toys
This story is inspired by THE TALKING BIRD, THE SINGING TREE, and THE GOLDEN WATER from the Arabian Nights Tales. Once upon a time, in a sky full of twinkling stars, there were three special babies: two little brothers and their baby sister. They lived on a faraway...
Lost Children of the Alliance
This story is inspired by THE TALKING BIRD, THE SINGING TREE, and THE GOLDEN WATER from the One Thousand Arabian Nights stories. I. The BeginningII. The Siblings' UpbringingIII. Discovery of the Legendary ArtifactsIV. The QuestsV. Rescue and ReunionVI. Visit from the...