Enjoy Bedtime story rhymes for preschoolers. Tiny stars are twinkling high,Like diamonds scattered in the sky.A gentle breeze whispers sweet and low,"Time for sleep, don’t you know." A sleepy bird in our backyard treeSings a lullaby just for me.The moon is watching...
Story collections both famous and curious, for readers of all ages.
Magic Lanterns in the Night
A whimsical bedtime rhyme with story for preschoolers. From my window, snug and warm,I watch a dance of fireflies swarm,They spell out messages so bright,Like tiny stars that say goodnight. The moon wears ribbons in her hair,Silver streamers floating there,While...
Let’s See!
Enjoy gentle rhymes with story for preschoolers. Little Lucy likes to knowExactly where things ought to go.Her toys are lined up just so-so,Each teddy bears a name.But on this bright and sunny day,When Mommy says, "Let's go and playAt our new park," Lucy says,...
A Winter Night
Poetry that tells a story for preschoolers. Curled up on my window seat, With blankets making warmth complete, I press my nose against the glass, To watch the winter wonders pass. Soft snowflakes wearing laces white, Practice twirling in the night, Each one takes a...
The Rain Wore Silver Shoes
The whimsical charm of rhyming bedtime stories for preschoolers. Tucked beneath my quilted spread,Stories dancing in my head, I hear the patter of the rain, As evening weaves its sweet refrain. The fog rolls in on kitten feet,Making all the world complete, With silver...
The Brave Prince Codadad
An adaptation of The History of Codadad and His Brothers from One Thousand and One Nights. Once upon a time, in a beautiful city called Harran, there lived a Sultan who had fifty sons. While forty-nine of these princes lived in the palace, one special prince named...
The Story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
An adaptation of The Story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves from The Arabian Nights: Their Best-known Tales. An adaptation of The Story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves from The Arabian Nights: Their Best-known Tales.Chapter 1: The Woodcutter's DiscoveryChapter 2:...
City of Enchanted Dreams
An adaptation of The Story of the City of Brass from The 1001 Arabian Nights. An adaptation of The Story of the City of Brass from The 1001 Arabian Nights.Chapter 1: The Tale of Solomon's BottlesChapter 2: The Journey BeginsChapter 3 The Brass HorsemanChapter 4: The...
The Palace of a Hundred Doors
Adapted from The Story Of Prince Agib from One Thousand Arabian Nights: Their Best-known Tales. Chapter 1: The Mysterious SeaChapter 2: The Mountain of MagnetsChapter 3: The Morning of the StormChapter 4: The Magic BoatChapter 5: The Secret DoorChapter 6: The...
Imagining the Night Wind
A forest lullaby with gentle words that rhyme with story for preschoolers. As I rest upon my bed,A thought dances through my head:My pillow is a patch of moss,Where gentle breezes softly toss. My blanket turns to meadow grass,Where silver moonbeams slowly pass,And...
The Wonder of Not Knowing
A story for early readers about relaxing into the unknown and trying new stuff. Lucy Martinez always needed to be right. She highlighted her textbooks in perfectly straight lines, memorized every fact she could find, and raised her hand so fast in class that sometimes...
Big Sister Helper
Bedtime story rhyming for preschoolers. My sister Paige draws pictures bright, She hangs them where they catch the light. But when the rain came pouring down, It made a river through our town.Water filled our favorite park,And made the sunny day turn dark,I watched my...