Enjoy gentle rhymes with story for preschoolers. Little Lucy likes to knowExactly where things ought to go.Her toys are lined up just so-so,Each teddy bears a name.But on this bright and sunny day,When Mommy says, "Let's go and playAt our new park," Lucy says,...
Early explorations of life’s deeper meaning for young readers
Big Sister Helper
Bedtime story rhyming for preschoolers. My sister Paige draws pictures bright, She hangs them where they catch the light. But when the rain came pouring down, It made a river through our town.Water filled our favorite park,And made the sunny day turn dark,I watched my...
Sage the Little Acorn
A nighttime poem for preschoolers about being present. High up in a big oak tree,Lived an acorn, small as can be.Sage was his name, and he loved to play,Watching clouds and birds all day. Dancing in the gentle breeze,Listening to the rustling leaves,Sage would dream...
The Magic Mirror
From our collection of bedtime story poems for preschool readers. In a town not far from here,Lived a girl named Mia, so dear.She loved to play dress-up each day,In fancy clothes, she'd sway and sway.But Mia had a secret wish,To shine above all, bright and...
Ruarc’s Cozy Cave and the Curious Cat
An adaptation from Just So Stories By Rudyard Kipling of THE CAT THAT WALKED BY HIMSELF. In a world so wild and free, Lived a cat, as wild as can be. Dogs ran, horses played, Cows wandered, night and day. A little boy named Ruarc for the night,Made a cave cozy, warm...
The Waddleful World of Penny
One of our silly bedtime stories in verse for preschoolers Here is the story of Penny, told in prose and verse. Penny lived in a big city. She was goofy and made the world laugh. Penny was a "Penguin Person." Why? Well, Penny had a waddle in her step, and an adorable...
Sammy’s Search for Soothing Silence
One of our bedtime rhyme stories for preschoolers. Sammy lived in a noisy town, Zoom and clamor, crash and frown!Constant chatter, and sounds all around, Little silence, or peace to be found.Sammy wished for something new, A quiet place, just for a few. He tiptoed...
Asha the Color Catcher
Bedtime stories that rhyme for preschoolers. Meet Asha, a girl full of spark and delight,She woke up one day with a magical sight!Catching colors, from here, there, and yonder,Her world became a wondrous, rainbow-filled wonder!First up, a big scoop of sunny...
The Whisper Collector
A bedtime story 5 minutes long for preschoolers. Runa was an ordinary child, or so she thought. She lived in a cozy house with her parents, went to school, and played with friends. But one day, as she was sitting in her room, something incredible happened. Runa was...
Sunny Feelings Forecasts
A short preschoolers poem for goodnight. In Empathica, feelings aren't small, They swirl and twirl, big and tall! Laughter shines like a sun so bright, Sadness makes puddles, day and night. Sunny Skies is a special girl, She feels the town's emotional whirl! Wants to...
Abby the Apple Tree and Little Ollie
Short object lesson story for preschoolers. Once upon a time, in a lovely little park, there was a friendly apple tree named Abby. Abby had big, strong branches, a tall trunk, and yummy apples. Every day, a little boy named Ollie played near Abby. They became best...
Emily’s Light, Shining Bright, Through the Night
Under five minute lighthouse story in verse for preschoolers. By the sea, a lighthouse tall, Old and strong, it stood for all. Waves would crash, the wind would blow, But the lighthouse light would always glow. Mr. Jonah, kind and wise, Watched the light with...