A retelling of How Camel Got Its Hump from Just So Stories By Rudyard Kipling Long, long ago, when the world was brand new, and animals were just starting to help humans, there was a Camel who lived alone at the edge of a huge, wild desert. This Camel didn't want to...
Timeless tales of fairies, fables, folklore and myth
Hopping to the Top: A Story of Good Sports
This is a retelling of the Hans Christian Andersen fairytale, The Leap-Frog. Dayan crouched behind gooseberry bushes, ready to edge deeper under the branches. He watched as Maral entered the garden and disappeared from view. They were enjoying a lively game of...
The King’s Fashion Fiasco
A retelling of The Emperor’s New Clothes, a story by Hans Christian Andersen. Once upon a time, there was a King who was totally obsessed with clothes. Seriously, this guy loved new outfits more than anything else! He spent every single penny he had on the latest...
The Boy Who Walked with Fairies
Based on the story of Puck the Fairy in Cold Iron from the book Rewards and Fairies by Rudyard Kipling. Dan and Una were a brother and sister who lived in a beautiful house in the English countryside. One magical day, they met a funny little creature named Puck. Puck...
The Unlikely Family: A Tale of Second Chances
A short story little red riding hood for early readers. Once upon a time, in a cozy little village nestled at the edge of a vast forest, there lived a kind-hearted, talented boy named Dergen. He was a carpenter’s apprentice skilled in crafting beautiful furniture, but...
The Children of the Cove
From our collection of fairy tales modernized for beginning readers. Once upon a time, in a land of towering mountains and hidden valleys, there lived a fairy named Rosy. She was as tiny as a hummingbird. One spring day, Rosy felt an irresistible urge to travel. She...
Loki, Thor and the Lost Sunbeam
A Norse myth and legend story for beginning readers. The Realm of AsgardThe Enchanted Forest of AlfheimThe First RiddleThe Second RiddleThe Third RiddleThe Icy Cave of JotunheimA Prophecy RevealedThe Cooperative TaskThe Sunbeam FreedReturn to AsgardFind Your Next...
The Elf Apprentice and the Golden Bird
A Brothers Grimm fairytale retold for beginning readers. Table of Contents: The Mighty Wizard of the WestFaelyn and Thalia fail to find the golden birdArden seeks the golden birdArden is given a second chanceOnce again, Arden is offered a dealArden is given an...
The Birth of the Ashen Elves and Oakling Fairies
One of our tales about fairies for early readers. Once upon a time, in a realm far above the clouds, there lived a beautiful goddess named Holda. She was known as the goddess of the sky, and her essence was intertwined with the majestic trees that reached up from the...
The Seed’s Promise: Mistress Mary’s Garden
A fairy tale for early readers inspired by Mother Goose stories. Mary, Mary quite contrary How does your garden grow? With cockleshells and silver bells, And maidens all in a row. Once upon a time, in a realm where magic blossomed with the flowers, there lived a...
Remy and Ivy: A Spell Broken by Kindness
Five minute modern fairy tale for beginning readers. Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there lived a young artist named Remy. Unlike other artists who went to art schools, Remy was self-taught and took inspiration from his everyday life. He was a kind and gentle...
The Enchanted Hut: A Tale of Kindness and Courage
A story retold from the Brothers Grimm folktales. Five minute reading time for beginning readers. A poor, hardworking woodcutter lived with his wife and three daughters in a cottage on the edge of a great forest. One morning, as he was going to his work, he said...