An adaptation of The Story of the City of Brass from The 1001 Arabian Nights. An adaptation of The Story of the City of Brass from The 1001 Arabian Nights.Chapter 1: The Tale of Solomon's BottlesChapter 2: The Journey BeginsChapter 3 The Brass HorsemanChapter 4: The...
Retold stories, legends, and myths for longer reading times.
Aladdin and the Lamp
An adaptation of 'The Story about Aladdin, or The Wonderful Lamp' from The Arabian Nights: Their Best-known Tales. Part 1: The Magical BeginningChapter 1: The Secret FriendshipChapter 2: The False UncleChapter 3: The Stranger’s GiftChapter 4: A Mother’s HopeChapter 5:...
Fisherman, Genie, and the Young Prince
An adaptation of two tales from The Arabian Nights: The Story of the Fisherman and the Jinnee and The History of the Young King of the Black Isles. Part One: The Story of the Fisherman and the GenieChapter 1: The Fisherman and the Genie in a BottleChapter 2: The Gift...
Lost Children of the Alliance
This story is inspired by THE TALKING BIRD, THE SINGING TREE, and THE GOLDEN WATER from the One Thousand Arabian Nights stories. I. The BeginningII. The Siblings' UpbringingIII. Discovery of the Legendary ArtifactsIV. The QuestsV. Rescue and ReunionVI. Visit from the...
A Boy, A Cat and A Daring Dragon Rescue
Adapted from ‘My Father’s Dragon’ by Ruth Stiles Gannett. Chapter 1: My Father Meets the CatChapter 2: A Journey to Wild IslandChapter 3: My Father Finds the IslandChapter 4: My Father Finds the RiverChapter 5: My Father Meets the TigersChapter 6: My Father Meets a...
Pixie Purse: A Fairy Fable of a Kind Heart
A retelling of The Piskey-Purse fairy tale and fable from the book The Piskey Purse by Enys Tregarthen Table of Contents:A retelling of The Piskey-Purse fairy tale and fable from the book The Piskey Purse by Enys TregarthenChapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter...