Five minute modern fairy tale for beginning readers.

Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there lived a young artist named Remy. Unlike other artists who went to art schools, Remy was self-taught and took inspiration from his everyday life. He was a kind and gentle soul who loved nothing more than creating beautiful art.

One day, as Remy was painting a mural on a wall near the neighborhood shelter,  shimmering mysterious figures appeared before him, otherworldly figures. They were the Guardians of Colors, but unlike Remy, they had lost their joy and were envious of his boundless happiness and creativity.

In a moment of jealousy, a strange spell was cast, turning Remy into a small white rabbit.

Then came the pronouncement, “You shall remain a rabbit until you are loved for who you truly are!” the apparition cackling into the shadows.

Confused but undeterred, Remy the Rabbit realized that even though he was different, his heart and passion for painting remained unchanged. With a hop, skip, and jump, he decided to embark on an adventure to find the Guardian of Colors, hoping for a way to break the spell.

Meanwhile, in the same city, there lived a young writer named Ivy. 

As she walked through the park, she paused as her path led her past a bench where an old woman slept, her cane lying askew on the ground. Ivy placed it upright and continued her walk to the quiet corner of the park where she often did her best writing. 

As she was getting settled with her notebook, she saw a movement out of the corner of her eye. “Hello there,” she murmured, offering an outstretched hand to the tired and hungry Remy the Rabbit.ย  “You do look a little lost… don’t worry, I’m here.โ€ Ivy brought the little white rabbit home and showered him with love and affection.ย 

Ivy meets the white rabbit in the park.

Ivy struggled to make friends easily, often finding solace in her writing. Now, her furry companion was a constant source of comfort and inspiration, and she felt a deep connection to him that she couldn’t quite explain. Remy began to feel the warmth and connection, too.

As the days turned into weeks, Remy and Ivy grew closer. They would spend hours exploring the city together, and Ivy would often read her favorite stories to him. Remy wished with all his heart that he could tell Ivy what a great friend she was.

One sunny afternoon, as Ivy sat in the park with the little white rabbit on her lap, she made a sincere wish. “I wish I could find someone who understands me, a friend who loves me for who I am, just like you, little rabbit.”

At that moment, a shimmering light appeared, and the Guardian of Colors emerged from the shadows. They had been watching Remy and Ivy’s bond grow and were touched by the genuine love and joy they shared, realizing that true happiness comes from spreading joy, not envy. With a wave of their hand, the spell was broken, and Remy transformed back into his human form.ย 

When Ivy looked into Remy’s eyes, she saw the same kindness, gentleness, and creative spirit she had known in the little white rabbit.

Remy meets Ivy in our modern fairy tale.

“It was you all along,” she whispered, smiling.

Remy took Ivy’s hand and smiled. “Your friendship lifted the spell, Ivy. You love me for who I am on the inside, not what I appear to be on the outside.”

From that day forward, Remy and Ivy were the best of friends. Together, they spent their days happily creating art and writing stories that inspired others to embrace their unique gifts and passions. They knew that the true power to overcome any obstacle comes from being true to oneself and spreading joy in one’s own special way. 

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