A fairy tale for early readers inspired by Mother Goose stories.

Mary, Mary quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
With cockleshells and silver bells, 
And maidens all in a row.

Once upon a time, in a realm where magic blossomed with the flowers, there lived a peculiar young girl named Mary. Her cottage, tucked away in a quiet corner of the village, held a hidden wonderโ€”an extraordinary garden unlike any other. But how did this garden come to be so magical? Let us step through the vines and uncover the secrets of Mistress Mary’s realm.

Within the heart of the garden, a delicate fairy named Rosebud tended to the blooms. Her wings, shimmering in the sunlight, reflected the vibrant colors of the flowers. Rosebud, a spirit as gentle as the petals of a rose, was Mary’s dearest friend and guardian of the garden’s secrets. She ensured the plants thrived and that their magic remained hidden from prying eyes.

The villagers often whispered of Mistress Mary, their curiosity piqued by the exquisite beauty of the flowers she sold at the open-air market every week. “Mistress Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?” they would ask, their voices carrying a hint of suspicion. Yet, none dared venture too close, for Mary’s cottage seemed to cast a spell, enchanting all who approached.

Beyond the towering walls adorned with flowering vines, Mary’s garden flourished in a harmony of colors and fragrances. Flowers nodded in the gentle breeze, and plants seemed to dance and sway to their own rhythm. Cockle shells nestled among the ferns were whimsical homes for Rosebud and her fairy kin. Suspended from delicate branches, silver bells chimed and jingled, creating a melody that filled the air with a sense of tranquility.

Silver bells and cockle shells

But the true wonder of the garden was revealed in the graceful dance of the pretty maidsโ€”fairies who moved in perfect harmony. Their laughter, like the tinkling of silver bells, filled the air with joy and light. It was as if the garden itself had come alive, a magical realm where dreams took flight.

On a bright morning, Mistress Mary stood at the garden gates. Wide-eyed village children gathered to see the magical world hidden behind the high walls. With a sweep of her hand, Mistress Mary swung open the gates, warmly inviting the children into her enchanted world.

As they crossed the threshold, their gasps of delight filled the air. “Welcome, dear children, to my garden,” Mistress Mary said, “Today, the secrets and wonders of this magical place are yours to explore.โ€

As the children wandered through the garden, some were entranced by the silver bells, and others knelt beside the cockle shells, carefully lifting them to discover hidden fairy dwellings.

Mistress Mary witnessed the joy that filled the children, their laughter mingling with the sweet song of her garden. She knew that sharing her secret garden had brought happiness to the young ones, and their laughter became the sweetest music of all.

As the sun began its gentle descent, casting long shadows across the enchanted garden, Mistress Mary gathered the village children around her. They watched her with eager anticipation.

Mary and children at the garden gate

“My dear children,” Mistress Mary began, “before you return to your homes, I want to share a secret with you. A secret that will allow you to create your own magical gardens and perhaps attract fairy friends of your very own.”

She continued, “You see, every garden, no matter how grand or humble, begins with a single seed. It is the foundation of all the beauty and wonder that follows. So, if you wish to create a garden that blooms with magic, begin small.”

Leaning forward, she plucked a delicate flower seed from her apron pocket and held it up for all to see. “Take this seed, for example. It may seem insignificant now, but with love and care, it will grow into a vibrant bloom. Plant it in a sunny spot, water it gently, and whisper words of encouragement. Watch over it as it stretches towards the sun, and soon enough, you will have your very first flower.”

The children hung on her every word, their imaginations alight with visions of the gardens they would create.

“But remember,” she added, her voice taking on a whimsical tone, “a garden is not just about the flowers. It is about creating a haven for all living things. Invite the bees and butterflies to join you by planting their favorite nectar-filled treats. And always, always speak kindly to your plants, for they, too, can feel the love you give.”

For a moment, a hush fell over the group, their minds filled with the possibilities her words had conjured.

“So, my darlings,” she said, smiling warmly, “as you make your way home, carry the memories of today in your hearts and remember the power of a single seed. Nurture it, believe in its magic, and your garden will flourish beyond your wildest dreams. And who knows,” she added with a wink, “perhaps one day, a fairy as kind and gentle as Rosebud will hear your whispers and come fluttering into your life.”

Seeds in the hand

The children said their goodbyes, their hearts overflowing with gratitude and their pockets filled with seeds, ready to embark on their own garden journeys. As they walked home, each one knew that the beauty of Mistress Mary’s garden would forever live on, guiding them as they created their own unique worlds of wonder.

“Goodnight, little ones,” Mistress Mary said, her voice carrying on the wind. “May your dreams be filled with the beauty of my garden, and may the laughter of the fairies guide your journey. Sweet dreams until we meet again.”

As the moon rose, the garden glowed with a soft luminescence, and the fairies continued their eternal dance, tending to the beauty that would bloom anew each day.

Fairies dancing in the moonlight in one of our Mother Goose stories

An adaptation of Mistress Mary from Denslow’s Mother Goose

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