A whimsical bedtime rhyme with story for preschoolers.
From my window, snug and warm,
I watch a dance of fireflies swarm,
They spell out messages so bright,
Like tiny stars that say goodnight.

The moon wears ribbons in her hair,
Silver streamers floating there,
While clouds dress up in funny shapes
Like cotton candy landscape drapes.

A squirrel in a polka-dot vest
Serves acorn tea to his bird guest,
Upon a toadstool table red,
Right beneath my flower bed.

The wind plays tag between the trees,
Making leaves giggle in the breeze,
Evening mist in ribbons curls,
Like dancing silver-sweetened swirls.

Young foxes wearing roller skates,
Glide past silent garden gates,
Their tails like brushes trailing paint,
Making paths in colors faint.

A possum family takes their walk,
In matching robes of velvet soft,
Each carrying a lantern bright,
To guide them through the gentle night.

The flowers practice their ballet,
As dewdrop music starts to play,
And spider webs like tinsel shine,
Each one a different design.

At dawn the bluebirds take their place,
Each wearing lace around their face,
To sing the sun up from its sleep,
While night stars homeward slowly creep.
Read more bedtime rhyme with story.