Enjoy gentle rhymes with story for preschoolers.

Little Lucy likes to know
Exactly where things ought to go.
Her toys are lined up just so-so,
Each teddy bears a name.

But on this bright and sunny day,
When Mommy says, "Let's go and play
At our new park," Lucy says, "Hey...
It won't be quite the same!"
"What if I don't know which slide?
Which swing is best for me to ride?
What if..." But Mommy steps aside,
And takes her by the hand.

At first Lucy stands and stares
At unknown swings and climbing stairs.
But then a friendly voice declares,
"Come build with me in sand!"
Kaia in the park
A girl named Kaia's sitting there,
With curly wild and windblown hair,
Creating something... but what? Where?
Lucy peers to see.

"What is it?" Lucy asks with care.
"Don't know yet!" Kaia seems to share
Her joy of simply wondering there
What this might be.
They pat and pile the soft wet sand,
It takes whatever shape they plan,
Sometimes it works, sometimes their grand
Ideas fall flat!

But Lucy finds she doesn't mind
When towers tumble, for they find
New ways to build what they designed—
How fun is that!
Now Lucy's learned a special thing:
Not knowing what each day might bring
Makes life an adventure that can spring
Sweet surprises new.

So when Mom says, "What shall we cook?”
Or "Which path should we take to look
For birds?" Lucy gives a happy look—
"Let's see what we can do!"

What shall we cook

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