Adapted from The Story Of Prince Agib from One Thousand Arabian Nights: Their Best-known Tales.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Mysterious Sea

Let me tell you my story. I was once a young king who ruled a beautiful kingdom by the sea. My father had been king before me, and when he passed away, I took his place, always trying to be fair and kind to my people.
I loved going on adventures, especially sailing across the ocean! My kingdom had many islands scattered through the waters, each with its own castle and friendly guards. I decided to explore these islands one day, so I gathered ten ships and enough food to last a month.
For twenty days, we sailed smoothly across the blue waters. Then we hit some rough weather with strong winds blowing against us. Luckily, by morning, the storm had passed, and we found a peaceful island where we could rest. We landed there, cooked a delicious meal, and stayed for two days.
When we set sail again, we traveled for another twenty days until we realized we were in unfamiliar waters. Even our captain didn’t recognize where we were! He asked the lookout to climb to the top of the ship’s mast to see what he could spot. When the lookout came down, he had strange news.
“Captain,” he said, looking worried, “I saw something very odd. Fish are floating on top of the water, and far out in the sea, something mysterious keeps changing from black to white and back again.โ
Chapter 2: The Mountain of Magnets

When the captain heard the lookout’s report, his face went pale. He threw down his cap and tugged at his beard in despair.
“We’re in terrible danger!” he cried. “There’s no escape!”
The crew began to cry, and soon everyone was scared. I asked the captain to explain what was wrong.
“My lord,” he said, taking a deep breath, “that storm blew us far off course. We’ve been sailing in the wrong direction for twenty-one days, and now we can’t turn back. Tomorrow, we’ll reach something terrible – the Mountain of Magnets.”
He drew a quick map in his notebook to show us.
“It’s a mountain made of black stone that pulls anything made of iron toward it,” he explained. “The current is dragging us right toward it. When we get close, every nail and piece of iron in our ships will fly toward the mountain, and our ships will break apart!”
The captain’s voice shook as he told us about the strange thing on top of the mountain: “There’s a dome made of brass sitting on ten pillars. On top of the dome stands a brass horseman holding a spear. Around his neck hangs a lead tablet covered in mysterious writing. As long as that horseman stays on his horse, any ship that comes near will be destroyed. The only way to stop it would be if the horseman fell from his horse.”
The captain wiped tears from his eyes. “Many ships have been destroyed by this mountain’s power. We are in great danger.”
Everyone started saying goodbye to their friends, sure this would be our last night alive.
Chapter 3: The Morning of the Storm

As morning came, our ships were pulled closer and closer to the mountain. Suddenly, with a terrible creaking sound, the ships began to break apart! Every piece of iron – nails, tools, and metal parts – flew through the air toward the mountain like they were being pulled by a giant magnet.
Some of us fell into the water. I grabbed onto a wooden plank and held on tight. The waves pushed me toward the mountain, and somehow, I managed to reach the shore. I was scared but thankful to be alive.
Looking up at the mountain, I spotted something remarkable – a set of steps had been carved into the rock! Taking a deep breath, I began to climb. The wind died down, making it easier. Step by step, I made my way to the top.
When I finally reached the summit, I found the brass dome I’d heard about. Exhausted but happy to be safe, I went inside and fell asleep.
In my sleep, I heard a gentle voice speaking to me:
“Young prince,” it said, “when you wake up, dig in the ground beneath you. You’ll find a brass bow and three lead arrows with special markings on them.
The voice continued softly: “Listen carefully to what you must do next. Take the bow and arrows you find. Use them to shoot at the horseman standing on top of the dome. Once he falls into the sea, you must quickly bury the bow where you found it.
Then something magical will happen – the sea will rise up all the way to the mountain’s top. Soon after, you’ll see a boat appear with a mysterious sailor.
Go with this sailor, but remember one important thing: keep silent during your journey. The sailor will guide you to safety, though the journey will take ten days.”
Chapter 4: The Magic Boat

When I woke up, my heart was pounding with excitement. I quickly dug in the ground and found exactly what the voice had promised – a brass bow and three special arrows. Without hesitating, I took careful aim at the horseman on top of the dome. My arrow flew straight and true, and the horseman toppled into the sea!
The bow slipped from my hands, and remembering the voice’s instructions, I quickly buried it in the ground. Then something incredible happened – the calm sea suddenly began to churn and bubble. The water rose higher and higher until it reached the very top of the mountain where I stood!
I waited, wondering what would happen next. Then I saw it – a small boat gliding across the water toward me. As it came closer, I could hardly believe my eyes. The sailor was made entirely of brass! On his chest hung a metal tablet covered in strange symbols and writing.
Following the voice’s warning, I stayed quiet and climbed into the boat. For ten days, the brass sailor rowed across the endless sea, never speaking a word. Finally, I spotted islands in the distance – safety at last! I was so happy that I forgot the voice’s warning and shouted out in joy.
That was a big mistake.
The moment I spoke, the brass sailor grabbed me and threw me out of the boat! Then, both he and the boat disappeared beneath the waves, leaving me alone in the sea.
Chapter 5: The Secret Door
I was lucky that I knew how to swim. Even so, my arms grew tired as night fell. Just when I thought I couldn’t swim another stroke, a huge wave as tall as a castle lifted me up and tossed me onto land!
Exhausted but grateful to be alive, I crawled up the beach. I wrung out my soaking wet clothes and laid them on the sand to dry, then fell into a deep sleep. When morning came, I put my clothes back on and looked around to see where I was.
The first thing I saw was a grove of trees. I walked around the grove and realized I was on a tiny island in the middle of the sea. “Oh no,” I thought to myself. “Every time I escape one adventure, I fall right into another one!”
But before I could worry too much, I spotted a ship approaching the island. Quickly, I climbed up a tree to hide and watch. The ship anchored near the shore, and ten strong sailors carrying axes stepped onto the beach. How strange – they walked straight to the middle of the island as if they knew exactly where they were going!
What happened next was even more surprising. The sailors began digging, and soon, they uncovered a secret door in the ground! They went back to their ship and began carrying all sorts of things through the door: bread, flour, honey, sheep, and more food than I could imagine. They made many trips, carrying beautiful clothes too.
Last to come ashore were two people who made me even more curious. One was a very old man who looked tired and weak. He was leading a young man by the hand – and this young man was the most graceful person I’d ever seen, as delicate as a young tree in springtime. Together, everyone disappeared through the secret door, leaving me wondering what mysteries lay below.
Chapter 6: The Prophecy

After about two hours, I watched the old man and sailors climb back out of the secret door. But wait – the young man wasn’t with them! They carefully covered up the door with earth again, returned to their ship, and sailed away.
Once I was sure they were gone, I climbed down from my tree and hurried to the spot. My heart was racing as I brushed away the earth and found the door. Below it was a wooden staircase leading down into the ground. Taking a deep breath, I walked down the steps.
What I found took my breath away! It was like an underground palace, with beautiful silk carpets everywhere. The young man was sitting on soft cushions, surrounded by fresh flowers and sweet fruits. When he saw me, his face went white with fear.
“Don’t be afraid!” I said quickly, giving him a friendly bow. “I won’t hurt you. I’m actually a lot like you – I’m a prince too! I think fate brought me here to be your friend and keep you company.”
When he realized I was telling the truth, his face lit up with joy. “Oh, please, sit down!” he said, patting the cushion next to him. “You won’t believe my story – it’s quite amazing.”
“My father is a jeweler,” he began. “He sells precious gems to kings, and his ships sail all over the world trading treasures. For years, he wanted a son but didn’t have one. Then, one night, he had a dream that he would finally have a son – but the dream warned that his son’s life would be in danger. When he woke up, he was very worried.
“Soon after, I was born, and my father was overjoyed! But then some fortune-tellers came with a scary prediction. They said I would only live to be fifteen years old. They told my father about a magnetic mountain in the sea with a brass horseman on top. They said when that horseman fell, I would be in danger from the person who knocked him down – a person named King Agib.
“Just a few days ago, the fortune-tellers returned with news that the horseman had fallen, knocked down by King Agib himself! My father quickly built this secret room and brought me here to hide. I have ten days left until my fifteenth birthday.”
Chapter 7: A Terrible Mistake

As I listened to his story, my heart felt heavy. You see, I knew something he didn’t – I was King Agib, the very person he feared! But looking at this kind young man, I made a silent promise: “I will never hurt him. I’ll keep him safe instead.”
Out loud, I said, “Don’t worry! No harm will come to you. I’ll stay here and be your friend. When it’s safe, we’ll go to your father together, and he can help me get back to my own kingdom.”
His whole face brightened at my words. We spent that evening talking and laughing like old friends. I helped make his bed comfortable and slept nearby to keep him company. Each morning, I brought him fresh water, and we shared meals together. He kept telling me how thankful he was for my friendship.
For nine beautiful days, we lived like brothers in that underground home. On the tenth day, my friend was practically dancing with joy. “I’ve made it!” he exclaimed. “The fortune-tellers were wrong! Would you help me warm some water? I want to wash up and put on fresh clothes to celebrate!”
“Of course!” I said, happy to help. While he washed behind a screen, I thought about how we had proved the prophecy wrong.
When he finished, he lay back on his cushions and said, “Let’s have a treat – could you cut up a watermelon and add some sugar?”
I found a watermelon and placed it on a plate. “Where’s the knife?” I asked.
“On the shelf above my head,” he pointed.
What happened next seemed to happen in slow motion. As I reached for the knife, my foot slipped on the silken carpet. I tried to catch myself, but I was falling, falling… and the knife was in my handโฆ
With a heavy heart, I climbed back up the stairs and replaced the trap door. From my hiding spot, I saw the ship returning. Quickly, I scrambled up a tree and waited. The old man – the boy’s father – and his sailors found their way to the secret door. Their cries of sadness filled the air when they discovered what had happened. The father was so heartbroken he fainted. Finally, they gathered everything from the underground room and sailed away.
Chapter 8: The One-Eyed Men

For two long months, I lived alone on the island. During the day, I hid in the trees, and at night, I walked along the beach. Then something strange happened – the sea began to pull back from one side of the island, leaving a path of dry land. After three months, this new path was firm enough to walk on. Hope filled my heart – maybe I could escape after all!
I walked across the dry seabed and found myself on a vast beach. In the distance, I saw what looked like flames flickering. But as I got closer, I realized it wasn’t fire at all – it was a beautiful palace covered in sheets of red copper! The sun made the copper shine so brightly it looked like it was on fire.
As I approached the palace, I met the strangest group of people. An old man was walking with ten younger men, and to my surprise, each young man had only one eye! They greeted me kindly and asked to hear my story. After telling them everything that had happened, they invited me into their palace.
Inside, I found ten comfortable benches with blue cushions and a smaller one for the old man. Each young man sat down, and they told me to join them but warned me not to ask about their eyes.
The old man served us a wonderful dinner, and afterward, we all sat talking and enjoying ourselves. But when bedtime came, something very odd happened. The young men asked for their “usual supply,” and the old man brought ten covered trays with candles. Under each tray was a mixture of ashes and coal dust. Then the young men did something surprising – they rolled up their sleeves, blackened their faces with the ashes, and began hitting their cheeks, crying out: “We were so happy until our curiosity got the better of us!”
They kept this up all night. In the morning, they washed their faces and changed their clothes as if nothing had happened.
Chapter 9: The Warning

I couldn’t stop thinking about the strange ritual I saw each night. After a month of watching the men cover their faces with ashes and cry out about curiosity, I finally had to know why.
“Please,” I said, “tell me why you do this every night. Why do you say that curiosity brought you trouble?”
The men exchanged worried looks. “Friend,” they said kindly, “we’ve kept this secret to protect you. If you learn the truth, you might end up just like us – with only one eye. It’s better not to ask.”
But I couldn’t let it go. “I must know,” I insisted. “Even if it’s dangerous.”
They sighed. “We warned you because we care about you. But if you truly want to know, you must discover it yourself. And if you do, you won’t be able to stay with us anymore.”
Then they told me about a fantastic journey I would have to take. First, they brought out a sheep’s skin and gave me a knife. “Here’s what you must do,” they explained. “We’ll help you get inside this sheep’s skin, and then we’ll leave. Soon, an enormous bird called a roc will come. It’s bigger than any bird you’ve ever seen!”
“The roc will carry you high into the sky and take you to a mountain. Use the knife to cut yourself free from the skin. Then walk for half a day until you see a magnificent palace made of gold and covered in precious gems like emeralds and rubies.”
Their voices grew serious. “But remember – entering that palace is what cost each of us an eye. We want you to understand the danger. Are you sure you want to know our secret this badly?โ
Chapter 10: The Palace of Forty Princesses

Everything happened just as the one-eyed men said. After they sewed me into the sheep’s skin, an enormous white bird – bigger than an elephant! – swooped down and carried me high into the sky. When it set me down on the mountain, I quickly cut myself free. The moment the giant roc saw me, it flew away.
Following the men’s directions, I found the golden palace sparkling with precious gems. Inside, I got the biggest surprise of all – forty girls around my own age.
Some wore dresses of violet and rose, others of ocean blue and forest green, and most wore circlets of fresh flowers in their hair. Tiny golden bells chimed softly at their wrists as they moved. Each princess seemed to radiate her own special kind of beauty.
Their jeweled slippers tapped lightly across the marble floor as they rushed to greet me with huge smiles. Their joyful energy filled the room with warmth.
“Welcome! Welcome!” they cheered. “We’ve been waiting a whole month for you! We’re so happy you’re finally here!”
They treated me like a prince, serving delicious foods I’d never tasted before. We talked and laughed together all afternoon.
When night came, some of them played music and sang lovely songs. Some of the princesses performed a traditional dance from their homeland. It was the most delightful evening of my life!
Each day was filled with new adventures. They taught me to play a game with colored stones, fold paper into magical flying birds, and write my name using the beautiful curved letters of their different languages.
The palace became my home, and the forty princesses became my dear friends.
But one year later, everything changed. On the first day of the new year, all forty princesses gathered around me with tears in their eyes.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, worried by their sadness.
“We have to tell you something,” they said. “Every year, we must leave the palace for forty days. You can stay here while we’re gone, and we’ll give you the keys to one hundred rooms. You can open any room except the one with the red gold door. Please promise you won’t open that door, or we’ll have to say goodbye forever.”
Looking at their worried faces, I quickly promised never to open the forbidden door. But as they left, I couldn’t help wondering what could be behind itโฆ
Chapter 11: Through Ninety-Nine Doors

Left alone in the huge palace, I decided to explore. Behind the first door, I found something extraordinary – a garden straight out of a fairy tale! Rainbow-colored birds swooped between trees heavy with fruit I’d never seen before. Crystal streams bubbled through flower beds, and the air smelled sweeter than anything I could imagine.
The second room was a different kind of magic garden. Tall palm trees swayed over a winding river, rose bushes climbed the walls, and butterflies danced between jasmine flowers. The breeze carried the scent of flowers from all over the world.
The third room took my breath away! The floor was a picture made of colorful stones, and golden cages held singing birds of every size and color. Some birds were free, perching in indoor trees and filling the air with music. It was so peaceful that I fell asleep listening to their songs.
But the fourth room – oh, the fourth room! Forty smaller rooms branched off it, each filled with treasures: pearls as big as marbles, rubies that glowed like fire, emeralds as green as spring leaves, and jewels I didn’t even know existed! “Not even the richest king in the world has treasures like these,” I whispered to myself.
Day after day, I explored new rooms. Each one held different wonders – rooms full of musical instruments that played by themselves, rooms where it snowed indoors, rooms where tiny dragons slept in crystal eggs. I almost forgot about the one door I wasn’t supposed to open.
But on the thirty-ninth day, I couldn’t stop thinking about that hundredth door. “Just one peek,” I told myself. “What harm could it do?”
Inside the forbidden room, the air smelled like a thousand flowers. Golden lamps cast mysterious shadows, and the floor was covered in orange-gold saffron. In the center of the room stood a magnificent black horse, as dark as a moonless night. His saddle was gold, and he ate from crystal bowls filled with rose water and special grains.
“What an amazing horse!” I thought. But when I tried to ride him, he wouldn’t move. I tapped his side – nothing. Finally, I reached for what looked like a golden wand and gave him a little tap.
Suddenly, the horse let out a roar like thunder! Giant wings spread from his sides, and before I could jump off, we were flying high above the clouds. He landed on another palace roof, and he threw me off. His tail whipped across my face as I fell, striking my eye.
Chapter 12: The Circle Completes

So that’s how I lost my eye. As I stood there, hurting and confused, I suddenly remembered the warning from my one-eyed friends. The magical horse spread its wings and vanished into the clouds, leaving me alone.
Holding my hand over my injured eye, I made my way down from the roof and found myself in a familiar hall. Ten benches were arranged in a circle, with a smaller one in the middle. My heart skipped a beat – I was back in the castle where my journey had begun, where the giant roc had first carried me away!
Soon, the ten young men and their older guide walked in. They didn’t seem surprised to see me, not even when they noticed my eye.
“We’re sorry we can’t give you a happier welcome,” they said kindly. “But please know this wasn’t our fault.”
“Of course, it wasn’t,” I replied softly. “I did this to myself by not listening to warnings.”
“If it helps,” they said, “you’re not alone. Every single one of us spent a wonderful year in that palace. We all met the princesses, explored the magical rooms, and… well, we all opened that final door when we shouldn’t have. We all learned the hard way that curiosity sometimes comes with a price.”
They wanted me to stay but explained that wasn’t possible. Instead, they told me to travel to the great city of Baghdad, where I would meet someone who would help me understand my destiny.
After they gave me directions, I said goodbye to my new friends. I set off for Baghdad with a heavy heart but a wiser mind. I changed how I looked, becoming a humble wanderer, and that’s how I came to be here, telling you my tale.
Who knows what adventures still await me? Sometimes, life’s greatest lessons come from our biggest mistakes.
Read more Arabian Nights stories.