A bedtime story adapted from the Arabian Nights tale of the fisherman and the genie.

Once upon a time, there was a kind fisherman named Ali.

He lived with his wife and three children. They were very poor and had very little food.

Ali got up early every morning to catch fish in the sea and feed his family.

Ali casts his net in our tale from the Arabian Nights

One day, Ali threw his fishing net into the water and found something shiny. It wasn’t a fish—it was an old bottle! Ali thought, “Maybe I can sell this bottle and buy food for my family.”

He shook the bottle but heard nothing inside. Ali pried it open. Thick smoke poured out of the bottle, twirling and twisting and forming into a giant genie. 

The genie looked down at Ali and said, “Thank you for letting me out. But now, I will make you disappear!”

Ali’s legs were wobbly because he was scared, but he stood still and stayed brave.

“Now, wait just a minute,” Ali said. “I just freed you from that bottle. Shouldn’t you be kind to me?”

The tall Genie

The genie rubbed his smoky beard. “Hmm, you do have a point. But I can’t let you go just yet. You see, began the genie, sitting down on the beach, causing the ground to shake a little, “Long, long ago, I was a naughty genie. I didn’t listen to the great King Solomon. He was so mad that he trapped me in that bottle and threw me into the sea.”

Ali quickly thought of a clever plan. “Can you really fit inside this tiny bottle?” he asked. “You’re so big, and the bottle is so small.”

The genie laughed and said, “Of course I can! Watch me!” And just like that, the genie turned into smoke and went back inside the bottle.

A tiny voice called out from the bottle, “See? Now, do you believe me?”

Quick as a flash, Ali put the lid back on the bottle. “Now you can’t hurt me!” he said.

“Let me out!” cried the genie. “I was only joking earlier. I won’t make you disappear, I promise!”

But Ali shook his head. “I don’t think I can trust you, Mr. Genie. You weren’t very nice before.”

The genie’s voice became gentle. “Please, kind Fisherman. I’ve learned my lesson. It’s not good to be mean, even when I’m angry. Let me out, and I promise to help you!”

Ali thought about it and said, “Alright. But you have to keep your promise.”

“I will be good now,” said the genie when he was again out of the bottle. “I will take you to a magical pond with colorful fish.”

Ali at the pond with colorful fish

The genie led Ali to a beautiful pond where red, blue, yellow, and white fish were swimming. Ali caught four fish and took them to the palace.

The Sultan was amazed by the fish and gave Ali many gold coins. Now, Ali’s family had food and warm blankets to stay cozy.

Ali takes the colorful fish to the Sultan

And so, the fisherman and his family lived happily ever after, all because of Ali’s cleverness and kindness.

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