Under five minute bedtime story for preschoolers.

Harmony moved to a big farm called Firefly Farm. She missed her old home in the city. The farm was so quiet and still.

“I’m all alone here,” Harmony said with a sad sigh. She sat under a big oak tree.

Just then, a wise old turtle slowly walked up to her.

“Why are you sad, young one?” asked the turtle in a raspy voice.

“Who are you?” Harmony asked, surprised the turtle could talk!

“I’m Timothy, the oldest animal at Firefly Farm,” he said. “I can show you all the wonders here if you’d like.”

From then on, Timothy showed Harmony around the farm every day. He taught her to stop and look closely at the tiny miracles all around.

They saw a spider spin a beautiful, delicate web between two fence posts.

Harmony and Timothy watch a spider spin a web

They watched a busy anthill, with ants marching one-by-one up and down the little dirt tunnels.

At night, Harmony gasped when she saw the first twinkling fireflies glowing in the dark like little flashing lanterns.

Twilight firefly show on the farm

“This farm is full of amazing sights if you take the time to see them,” Timothy wisely said.

Harmony made many new friends, like the gentle horses, clucking chickens, and fluttering butterflies.

With Timothy’s help, Harmony learned the farm wasn’t lonely at all. It was just waiting to share all its wonderful secrets.

By summer’s end, Harmony loved her new home and her new wise, old turtle friend who had shown her the way.

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