A five minute story about ducks in verse for preschoolers.
Henry was the smartest pup,
Herding sheep with joyful yupp!
He loved his work, a clever soul,
Watching critters, that was his role.
But ducklings hatched, all soft and sweet,
Chirped "Quack! You're Mama!" at Henry's feet.
They followed close, a fluffy chain,
Henry sighed, in his doggy brain!
"I'm a dog, not a duck, you silly things!"
But the ducklings just peeped and flapped their wings.
Then trouble grew, a stubborn sight,
Dolores the mule, with eyes so bright.
Never liked dogs, that grumpy mule,
But now she sang like a lovestruck fool!
Henry gulped, then ran away,
Dolores chased, what a funny day!
Brays loud as trumpets filled the air,
A donkey love song, that much was clear!
Henry ran fast, his paws flying low,
Mule right behind, oh, where would he go?
Dolores chased Henry, all week it did last,
Henry so clever, thought of a trick fast!
A brand new blue tractor, so shiny and bright,
Dolores fell in love, a heartwarming sight.
Henry took ducklings back to the pond,
Happy and safe where they truly belonged.
Dolores with her metal friend,
Henry knew his troubles did end.
Farmer Bob watched it all with a smile,
Life on the farm is funny a while!
Henry the dog, and ducklings so small,
Dolores in love, happy ending for all.
Just another day, out on Firefly Farm,
With friendship and giggles, and lots of charm!