A short children’s fairy story for preschoolers.
Once upon a time, up in the clouds, lived a beautiful lady named Holda. She loved giant trees. She could turn into a tree herself!
One day, the trees whispered a secret wish to Holda. They wanted friends who could walk and talk! Holda had magical powers, so she made their wish come true.
She made the Elves from the Ash tree branches. They were brave and smart. From the Oak branches, Holda made the Fairies. They were kind and helpful.

Holda picked an Elf and a Fairy and named them Ask and Embla. She taught them amazing things!
Holda showed Ask and Embla sparkly crystals that held special magic! The clear crystals, like tiny pieces of ice, helped wishes come true. Pink crystals were all about love and friendship, while purple ones brought sweet dreams. Yellow crystals were like little bits of sunshine, bringing happiness wherever they went.
She also told them about the tiny helpers of nature. Grumpy Gnomes lived underground, their hats as green as moss! Swirly Sylphs flew on the wind, their voices sounding like tinkling bells, and they loved to play tricks. Wavy Undines lived in the water and knew all about feelings, both happy and sad. Fiery Salamanders were bright red and loved the heat! They were brave and strong, just like fire.
Holda notices that while the Elves and Fairies loved their tree companions, they also yearned for interaction with other beings who can walk, talk, and experience the world as they do. She decides to grant them one more wish—the ability to understand and speak the language of humans. Now, they can make friends with kind children who visit the forest, sharing their wisdom, learning about the human world, and experiencing the joy of different kinds of friendship.

So, dear child, as you close your eyes to sleep, may your dreams carry you to an enchanted forest with Holda to guide you.