A nighttime poem for preschoolers about being present.

High up in a big oak tree,
Lived an acorn, small as can be.
Sage was his name, and he loved to play,
Watching clouds and birds all day.
Dancing in the gentle breeze,
Listening to the rustling leaves,
Sage would dream of growing tall,
Into the biggest tree of all!

The owl tells Sage about being present
One day Sage met a friendly owl,
Living in the tree's hollow bough.
"Dear Mr. Owl," young Sage did say,
"How can I grow big one day?"

The wise owl gently spoke,
"To grow into a mighty oak,
Feel the sunshine warm and bright,
Let it fill you with delight!

Sage learns about being present to the rain
Listen to the wind that blows,
Feel the rain that helps you grow.
Watch the world with wonder new,
Notice everything you do!

When you dance, just dance with joy,
When you rest, sweet peace enjoy.
When you learn, be bright and clear,
When you listen, really hear!"

So Sage began to try each day,
To notice life in every way.
He felt the sunshine's golden light,
And rain that made his shell so bright.
Sage learns about being present to the robin singing
He listened to the robin's song,
And felt his heart grow big and strong.
He watched the clouds drift up above,
And filled himself with nature's love.

Days and weeks and years went by,
Till Sage grew tall up toward the sky.
His branches spread both far and wide,
With baby acorns safe inside.
Sage grows into a tree
Now Sage's the biggest, strongest tree,
Teaching others how to be
Happy, healthy, tall and true,
Just like Sage (and just like you!)

The End

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