One of our bedtime rhyme stories for preschoolers.

Sammy lived in a noisy town, 
Zoom and clamor, crash and frown!
Constant chatter, and sounds all around,
Little silence, or peace to be found.

Sammy wished for something new,
A quiet place, just for a few.
He tiptoed off, with faint feet,
To find some hush, out off the street.

Into to a park, with a pond serene,
With water calm, and grass so green.
He sat on a bench, and closed his eyes,
Listened to the silence, as the world passed by.

Sammy in the park
Being alone, breathing so deep, 
The world fell still, like counting sheep.
No more loud noises filled his brain,
Just muted whispers, soft like rain.

Silence isn't empty, no!
It's gentle sounds, that softly flow.
A space to think, a place to dream,
The best quiet place, so it would seem.

Sammy skipped home, feeling light,
City sounds changed, in the fading light.
Each beep and bark, he didn't mind,
For hushed moments he could always find.

Sammy learned a secret way,
To make a lull inside each day.
He'd find his stillness, close his eyes,
And let the world go silent-wise.

Sammy alone at sunset in our rhyme stories
So when you feel the noise too strong, 
Breathe deep like Sammy, all day long.
Close your eyes, listen just right,
Silence is waiting, day or night.

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