A fairy tale for preschoolers inspired by Mother Goose rhymes.

Mary, Mary quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
With cockleshells and silver bells, 
And maidens all in a row.

Once upon a time, there lived a kind lady named Mistress Mary. Her magical garden was filled with pretty flowers and hidden secrets. A tiny fairy named Rosebud also lived there, making sure all the plants were happy.

Rosebud in the garden

The children from the nearby village often asked, “How does your garden grow so beautiful?”

One sunny day, Mistress Mary opened her garden gate and invited all the children inside. They were amazed to see the sparkling flowers and pretty cockle shells that fairies called home. They even heard the gentle tinkle of silver bells hanging from the branches.

Silver bells and cockle shells

Mistress Mary shared a secret with the children. “Every garden starts with a tiny seed,” she said. “If you plant a seed and take care of it with love, it will grow. You can make your own beautiful place, too.”

Before the children went home, Mistress Mary gave each child a special seed. “Plant this seed and watch it grow,” she said, “with love and care, your garden grows.”

The children thanked Mistress Mary and skipped home, eager to start their own gardens. 

And so ends our story inspired by Mother Goose rhymes

So, every day, they watered their seeds and sang to their plants. Fairies made homes among the flowers.

As you drift off to sleep, journey to dreamland with seeds of your own that blossom with beauty and fairy friends.

Young maidens all in a row in the moonlight garden

An adaptation of Mistress Mary from Denslow’s Mother Goose

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