Under five minute story for preschoolers based on a Mother Goose rhyme.

Once upon a time, a family lived in a cozy little house. There was a daddy, a mommy, and a baby, who was all bundled up like a little burrito! Back then, people didn’t have fluffy blankets like us, so they used animal fur to stay warm.

One morning, Daddy went into the forest to find a furry friend for his baby. He walked and walked, looking behind trees and under bushes. He wanted to find a soft rabbit to keep his baby warm.

He looked high and low, peeping behind trees and under bushes, but he couldn’t find any rabbits! Then he heard a giggle and saw merry bunnies playing hide-and-seek!

There was one tiny bunny sitting all alone. The little bunny had a wobbly leg and couldn’t hop and play with the others. Daddy gently picked up the little bunny, wrapped it snugly in his pocket and brought it home.

When Baby Bunting saw the little bunny, he laughed and clapped, and the bunny snuggled right into his arms. It was love at first sight. 

They named the bunny Lucky and made a comfy bed for him near the fireplace. Baby, Mommy, Daddy, and Lucky snuggled, feeling warm and loved. They had found a fluffy friend to bring them joy.

Baby and rabbit in their baskets in our Mother Goose Rhyme

Now, every night, they sing a special song: 

“Night, night, baby bunting,
Daddy's hunting's done.
He found a rabbit friend,
Soft as the morning sun.
Not for a coat, so fine,
Nor for winter's play,
But a friend to bring you joy
Each and every day.”

As you drift to sleep, little one, dream of cuddly friends, just like Lucky and Baby Bunting. Goodnight, and sweet dreams.

Stone cottage in the woods

An adaptation of Baby Bunting from Denslow’s Mother Goose

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