A short rhyming story inspired by Dr Seuss for preschoolers.

Once upon a dazzling time, in a colorful world of wonder, there was a little hero named Kindly. Kindly had a heart as big as the moon and shoes that shimmered with kindness. Each step he took left a trail of laughter and love.

Hooray for you!
Today is your day.
Now, you can play in your own special way!"
You've seen the world’s beauty shine in many hues,
You share what you learn in any way you choose.

Kindly had journeyed to lands near and far,
Making friends with the sun, the moon and the stars.
With stories he heard from the places he roamed,
Kindly found his way back to the comfort of home.

Kindly sat down with his friends all around,
Telling tales of the great places he had found.
With wide eyes, they listened; it was all so grand,
Of the people and creatures he'd met in the far away land.

You are one of a kind. You know what you know.
And YOU are the one who'll make kindness grow...

With every story, a new path to explore,
Adventure unfolds in a world to adore.
With each tale told, seeds of knowledge shared,
Kindly’s dear friends, their hearts prepared.

To spread kindness around in every way,
To make every place a Great Place every day.
So remember, dear child, as you drift to sleep,
The stories you like are the ones you should keep.
Kindly in bed asleep at the end of our rhyming story
For you are like Kindly, with kindness of many hues,
You'll share what you know in any way that you choose.
You're one of a kind, and you know what you know,
And YOU are the one who'll make kindness grow.

And with that, the stars twinkled a soft, “Goodnight,” 
Kindly and his friends full of wonder and delight
Ready to dream of new Great Places to explore,
When the morning sun peeks through the door. The end. 🌟

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