Under five minute monkey story inspired by Dr Seuss for preschoolers.
In the pink city of Jaipur, India, amidst the hustle and bustle, the sights and the sounds lived a boy named Kavi. His favorite place to play was his father’s cap stall, for Kavi, you see, is a cap seller’s son, and helping his father is his idea of fun.
Our story begins one sunny day when Kavi’s father had to step away. “I’ll be back soon,” his father said, leaving Kavi in charge of the colorful caps.
With a smile on his face, Kavi took charge and put each cap in its special place. That’s when the one and only Cat in the Hat strolled into view. Dressed to impress with his red and white hat, he spotted a bright feathered cap and bought it just like that.
But, with a twist and a twirl, the Cat in the Hat played a trick. A swish of his tail, a whirlwind swept through, sending the colorful caps into the air.
This got the attention of the mischievous market monkeys! In a blink, they swooped in and snatched the caps, darting off through the crowded market with Kavi hot on their tails!

“Don’t worry, Kavi! You can outsmart those monkeys!” the Cat in the Hat said. Kavi followed the monkeys to a calmer corner of the market.
There, the monkeys were huddled together, admiring their stolen treasures. Kavi had an idea! “How about a game, my furry friends?” he proposed, “If I can guess which cap belongs to each of you, you have to give them back.”
The monkeys nodded.
“Prepare to be amazed!” Kavi announced. The monkeys leaned in. Could this young hero outsmart them at their own game?
Jingle, jingle, little bells, This cap for you, so it tells!

Shiny fur and sparkly blue, This cap is just for you!

Red and feathery, take a stand, Just for your wild command!

Green with dots, a happy sight, For a monkey who shines so bright!

Yellow stripes, up and down, You little monkey, a funny clown!

Purple and fluffy, soft and round, For a cuddly monkey, comfort is found!

The monkeys cheered, impressed by Kavi’s clever plan. The Cat in the Hat gave Kavi a high-five. “You were fantastic, Kavi! You used your head and solved the problem!”
Kavi, grinning ear to ear, gathered the caps and returned to the stall. People had gathered ’round to see, and soon, the caps were sold—one, two, three!
Proud of his son’s quick thinking and determination, Kavi’s father beamed with joy. “Well done, Kavi! You’ve made our customers happy and saved the day!”
Kavi bid farewell to the Cat in the Hat. The day’s adventures fade in the evening light, and the Pink City whispers a gentle goodnight.