From our five minute nighttime poems for preschoolers.

Patchwork Bear felt all alone,
Different colors, all his own.
Red and blue and gingham too,
His fur was bright, a patchwork hue.

Shiny trains and dollies too,
They were perfect, through and through.
But Patchwork wished with all his might,
To feel a hug so warm and tight.
Patchwork bear in the toyshop of our nighttime poems
The toymaker sang, his voice so kind,
"Your special charm, you'll surely find."
"Special things take time, you see,
Your difference is your destiny!”

Then in walked Pollie, small and bright,
She skipped the dolls, all shiny white.
She saw right through the teddy's pride,
To Patchwork, where he tried to hide.

“You're my favorite!" Pollie said,
Softly patting Patchwork's head.
"I love your colors, soft and true,
You're a wonderful Bear, just as you!"
The toymaker at work in his shop
The toymaker smiled, he felt it so,
Patchwork now had a place to go. 
And other toys began to see,
That different's great, it's meant to be.

Off they went, a happy pair,
Patchwork grinned, no time to spare.
Sometimes different is the best,
A patchwork heart, above the rest!

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