Five minute bedtime story about a dog for Preschoolers.

In a land of tick-tocks and hurried hops lived a puppy named Pippan. Pippan’s tail wagged questions, and he was always wondering where the next “woof” would lead. 

One sunny day, while chasing a butterfly, Pippan spotted a hidden path. Curiosity wiggled his nose, and Pippan followed.

The path led to a place where time didn’t tick or tock. Each moment hummed gently, soft and endless. This, Pippan knew, was no ordinary place!

Pippan met a wise caterpillar named Solaris. Solaris told Pippan about a special place called the “Heart of Now,” where worries swing away and happiness slides over rainbows. 

Pippan talks to the wise caterpillar

Solaris helped Pippan hear the wind laugh, see fluffy clouds dance and feel yellow in the sun’s warmth. 

Solaris explained that time is a calm pond, reflecting everything wonderful and exciting that ever was and could be. Pippan, with a joyful bark, jumped right in with a splash! He was feeling happy and free!

That’s when Pippan understood! The Heart of Now wasn’t just a place; it was a feeling inside him, always there, even when the world outside spun too fast. It was the feeling of being exactly where he was meant to be, exactly who he was meant to be – a curious, playful pup!

Pippan jumps in the Calm Pond in our bedtime story about a dog

Pippan wagged his tail all the way home to his family and friends. With a playful spirit, he showed them how to slow down and enjoy every giggle and hug.

So, the next time you feel rushed or worried, remember Pippan the pup. Take a deep breath and close your eyes; even in the busiest world, the Heart of Now is always there, waiting for you to take a peek inside.

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