Five minute bedtime story on animals retold from the Brothers Grimm for preschoolers.
Once upon a time, a donkey named Rusty worked very hard on a farm. But as he got older, the farmer thought Rusty was too slow. Rusty was worried, so one night, he decided to go somewhere new. He wanted to be a musician in the bustling city of Bremen!
Along the way, he met a dog named Buster. Buster was a loyal hunting dog, but now he was old, and couldn’t hunt anymore. “Let’s go to Bremen together,” Rusty suggested, “and we can start a band!” Buster thought that sounded like a great adventure.

Soon, they met Coco, the cat. Her job was to chase mice, but now she just liked to nap in the sunshine. Her owner wasn’t happy about it. “Come with us to Bremen!” said Rusty. “You can sing in our band!” Coco liked the idea of a new beginning.

Right then, as if on cue, they heard a loud “Cock-a-doodle-doo!” It was Red, a proud rooster whose owner no longer wanted his cheerful morning wake-up call. Rusty, Buster, and Coco invited Red to join them, and the four new friends set off towards Bremen.

Night fell, and they were tired and hungry. Suddenly, they saw a light in the woods – a little house! But when they got closer, they peered in a window and found a gang of robbers inside having a feast. The animals knew they had to think quickly.

Rusty had an idea! Being a donkey, he was the tallest, so he placed himself upright on his hind legs, with his forefeet resting against the window sill. Buster climbed on his back, Coco perched on Buster’s shoulders, and Red flew to the very top of Coco. “Ready?” Rusty whispered. With a nod, they began. Rusty brayed, Buster barked, Coco meowed, and Red crowed as loud as he could. Then, they crashed through the window and came tumbling into the room!

The robbers were terrified by the noisy creatures! They ran away, never to return. Our four friends ate until their bellies were full and decided this cozy house would be their new perfect home.
They never made it to Bremen, but they didn’t need to. They were already the best band of friends – a donkey, a dog, a cat, and a rooster – and they lived happily ever after.