A story of self-reliance and children helping each other.

Under five minute story for preschoolers.

In the big, green forest was a secret village called Arboria. The houses weren’t on the ground – they were high-up treehouses with glowing lights in the dark forest.

One day, a little boy named Silas was playing in the forest. He saw an unusual white squirrel. The squirrel hopped and skipped, and Silas followed! The squirrel led him to a wobbly bridge made of vines. Silas was a little scared, but he was brave too. He took a big breath and walked across.

White squirrel of Arboria

On the other side… was Arboria! In the village lived happy children. They were taking care of the forest. Some were picking oranges they grew in baskets, some looked at the stars, and others sang songs just like the birds.

Oranges growing in a hanging basket

Silas asked, “Where are the grown-ups?” The children giggled. “We take care of ourselves!” They lived together, shared everything, and were always helping each other.

The biggest and oldest tree was called the Elderwood. “It helps us learn,” said the children. The Elderwood had branches like giant arms and leaves that knew secrets. It was the heart of the village, and the children had built the biggest house in the strong branches of the Elderwood.

The big house at the Elderwood was a symbol of children helping each other

The children played with Silas. They taught him to find water in big leaves and climb trees without making a sound. He felt like he belonged! Then, the children told him about the Great Harmony, a special day when all the forest animals gathered together.

Silas wanted to help! He found a smooth piece of wood and a pretty leaf from the Elderwood. He carefully tied them together and added a shiny drop of morning dew. It was a perfect necklace!

Silas makes a stunning pendant for the Great Harmony

Finally, the Great Harmony Day arrived! All the animals came – little bugs, furry deer, and colorful birds. Silas showed the necklace he made. The Elderwood’s leaves rustled a happy sound, and the necklace glowed! The glow got bigger and bigger until it touched everyone. The whole forest felt bright and warm!

The Great Harmony of the forest

Soon, Silas had to go home, but he always remembered the treehouse village. He remembered being kind, sharing with others, and helping nature just like the children of Arboria. Sometimes, he could still hear their happy songs carried on the wind at night.

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