Under five minute story with rhyming words for preschoolers.

A story poem with a heart

In a world where kindness shines bright,
There’s a tale for the young, told at night.
A story of warmth, a story of grace,
For little hearts eager to learn and embrace.

Be nice to a friend when their day’s gone wrong, 
Lend an ear, share a smile, sing a cheerful song.
For a friend in need is a friend indeed,
A little act of kindness can be a mighty deed.

Being nice to a friend feels good

To an elder so wise, with stories galore,
Be nice, lend an ear, you’ll cherish the lore.
Their eyes gleam with tales from years gone by,
In their wisdom, we learn, and our spirits fly.

Be nice to a wise elder

To your pets, show kindness, for they love you so,
Feed them, pat them, let your gentleness show.
They’re loyal companions through thick and thin,
In their unconditional love, we always win.

Being nice to your pets is love in our story with rhyming words

When you see a stray or an animal in pain,
Be nice, help them out, let compassion reign.
A bit of shelter, a gentle touch,
Can mean to them, oh, so much.

Take care of a stray animal

There’s a new kid in school, looking lost and alone, 
In a sea of faces, far from home.
“Be nice,” say hello, offer a smile,
And make their world better for just a while.

Make friends with the new kid in school

And don’t forget to help out at home or in town,
With a nice deed, a kind word, don’t let anyone down.
Helping hands, a kind word, a chore to share,
Shows “being nice” is showing you care.

Help out in family or town

So, how many ways can you be nice today? 
In what you do, in what you say?
For every act of kindness, small or grand,
Spreads a wave of love across the land.

Take care of lost bird

In this tale of kindness, woven with rhyme,
We learn that being nice is worth our time.
For every child from age two to six,
Let “being nice” be in your mix.

Read more nighttime poems.

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