A preschool story of curiosity and creativity.
Under five minute story for preschoolers.
Once upon a time, in a cozy little village where it always rained, there was a sweet girl named Iris. Iris loved the sound of raindrops tap-tapping on her window, but she often wondered what the sun looked like.
One rainy day, a cheerful bluebird flew in through Iris’s window. It was a lovely blue and sang a happy song. It dropped a shiny, silver thread in Iris’ lap and flew back into the rain.
Iris was curious and followed the bluebird to a secret place under a tree. There, hidden under the green leaves, was a special loom, a machine for weaving.
The loom was old and covered in soft moss. It looked magical. The bluebird chirped, telling Iris to weave with the silver thread. Iris sat down and started weaving. The loom made click-clack sounds as she worked.

As Iris wove, the silver thread turned into many colors. There were yellows like sunshine, greens like grass, and blues like the sea. The more she wove, the more colors appeared. It was like weaving a rainbow!
Slowly, something magical happened. The rain stopped, and the sky cleared up. Sunlight peeked through the clouds for the first time, making everything bright and warm. Iris’ weaving was done. It was a beautiful cloth with all the colors of the rainbow. She hung it up where everyone could see. It sparkled in the sunlight, making everyone smile.
From then on, the village wasn’t rainy all the time. Sometimes, the sun came out, and everything was bright and happy, just like Iris’ weaving.

Iris and the bluebird became best friends. Every day, they would weave new colorful cloth, making the village the most colorful place in the world. Iris was known as the little girl who brought the colors of the rainbow to life.