Under five minute bedtime story for preschoolers.
One sunny September morning, three little boys, Finn, Ethan, and Leo, were waiting for the school bus. It was their very first day at a new school!
Finn dreamed of being an explorer and secretly worried about getting lost. He loved dinosaurs and hoped to find friends who loved them just as much as he did.
Ethan wanted to make everyone laugh but was worried his jokes might not be funny.

Then there was Leo, with mismatched socks and his drawing of a robot dragon. He loved writing stories but was shy about sharing his stories with others.
The big yellow school bus came down the road, stopping at each boy’s house. The bus’s doors opened with a hiss, like friendly dragons inviting them on an adventure.
Finn climbed on first, looking around for friendly faces. At the next stop, Ethan climbed aboard, stumbling slightly, his cheeks red like apples, but quickly smiled at the other children. Lastly, Leo got on, looking at his feet, feeling very small.

At first, it was quiet inside the bus until suddenly, Leo unfolded his robot dragon drawing. Ethan saw it and said, “Whoa, cool robot-dragon! Can it breathe fire?” His face lit up with a smile as he added, “I bet he only breathes pizza smoke. He needs fuel for all his explorations.” Finn leaned forward and asked, “Explorations? Like what?”
Just like that, the three boys started talking and laughing together. Other children on the bus joined in. When they got to school, they were not afraid anymore. They explored the classroom and learned new things.
With friends who understand and help you, you can be brave, be yourself, and do great things!