A Raggedy Ann story inspired by the tale Raggedy Ann Learns a Lesson by Johnny Gruelle.
Once upon a time, in a cozy little room, lived a whole family of toys. There was Raggedy Ann with her red hair, Dazzling Danielle in her sparkly dress, Brave Max, the superhero, and the funny Dutch doll.
They belonged to a sweet girl named Emily, who loved and played with them every day.
One day, the toys came to life when the little girl was away! “Let’s play!” said Hero Max. “I’m hungry!” said Dazzling Danielle.
Raggedy Ann, the clever one, remembered yummy smells from the kitchen. “Follow me!” she said. Let’s find something tasty!”
The toys pushed and pulled until they opened the pantry door and found yummy treats inside!
Powdered sugar fell on Dazzling Danielle, making her look like a snow fairy. The Indian doll found crackers and honey.

Brave Max fell, trying to reach the gummy bears on the high shelves, but he got up and tried again.
The Dutch doll dipped his fingers in a jam jar. “Yum!” he said. Soon, all the toys were covered in purple goodness.
But uh-oh! They heard the little girl coming back. The dolls quickly ran back to the cozy room, leaving a trail of crumbs.
“Oh no! You’re sticky with jam!” said the little girl. “Raggedy Ann, did you go to the pantry?” she asked, “Naughty dolls!”

Emily took the dolls outside and gave them a bubble bath. The dolls giggled and splashed, and then she hung them on a clothesline to dry in the sun.

Emily gave them lemonade and tiny cookies. They had a lovely outdoor dinner. The dolls learned that asking for treats is better than making a big mess.
When it was bedtime, the little girl brought them inside, brushed their hair, and put them in clean pajamas. “Good night, my sweet dolls,” she said. She kissed them good night and left the room.
“Let’s be good dolls from now on.” Raggedy Ann said. The dolls smiled and whispered, “We’ll be good, we promise!” And they meant it.
The dolls snuggled in their beds, sleepy and happy, ready for sweet dreams.