Brothers Grimms tales retold for preschoolers.

Once upon a time, in a magical land far away lived a wise Wizard with a beautiful garden. Right in the middle of the garden grew a tree of golden apples! The Wizard loved his apples.  But one day, he noticed an apple was missing. And the next day, another!

The Wizard called for his helper, a friendly gnome, and said, “Someone is taking my apples, gnome! We must catch the thief!”

The gnome asked Arden, a young elf, to watch the tree through the night. Arden promised to try his best. 

At midnight, a beautiful bird made of pure gold swooped in to take an apple. The elf pulled out his slingshot and ping!, sent a little stone whizzing at the bird. It didn’t hurt the bird, but a golden feather floated to the ground.

Arden hold a golden feather

Arden took the feather to the wise wizard. The wizard said “One feather is not enough. I must have the whole bird!”

So Arden, the young elf, went on an adventure to find the beautiful golden bird and bring it home. 

As Arden reached the edge of the woods, he met a friendly and helpful fox. Arden was thankful to the fox. The fox said, ‘Sit upon my tail, and you will travel faster.’ Arden sat down, and the fox began to run. Away, they went over stock and stone as their hair whistled wildly in the wind.

Arden and the wise fox in our Brothers Grimms tales retold

The young elf listened to the fox and followed the good advice. Soon, the golden bird, Arden and the fox returned to the garden. They had become dear friends! The gnome and the wizard gathered around to welcome them. “My dear elf, you have done an outstanding job!” said the wizard. The gnome gave Arden a hug and said softly. “By listening to the fox’s advice and working together as friends, you’ve accomplished a great feat.

Everyone was happy and proud of the young elf.

Arden holds the golden bird

This story is based on a Brothers Grimms tale known as “THE GOLDEN BIRD.”

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