One of our five minute bedtime stories about dogs for beginning readers.
Once upon a time, in a land where clocks tick-tocked and minutes marched on, lived a curious little creature named Pippan. Pippan, the pup, had a heart that bounced with questions. He had feelings something was missing. Maybe what was missing was a place where time didn’t rush.
One day, while chasing a butterfly, Pippan stumbled upon a hidden path. It led deeper into the forest than any trail he knew. Curiosity tugging at him, Pippan followed.
The path opened into a clearing. There was an ancient tree with branches like welcoming arms. Time didn’t tick or rush here. It simply hummed like a sleepy bee, making every moment feel warm and endless.

This, Pippan knew, was no ordinary place.
Pippan met a wise old caterpillar named Solaris. Solaris told Pippan about a place called the “Heart of Now,” where worries flew away and joy bloomed. Solaris showed Pippan how to listen to the laughing wind, how to watch the clouds dance in slow motion, and how to feel the sun’s warmth without chasing its light.

In this magical place called the Heart of Now, time didn’t flow like a river; it was a still pond, reflecting everything that ever was and ever could be. Pippan jumped right in for a swim with it all.
And then, he understood. The Heart of Now wasn’t just a place; it was a feeling. It was the quiet hum inside him, always there, even when the world outside spun too fast. It was the feeling of being exactly where he was supposed to be, exactly who he was meant to be.

In peace, Pippan returned to his family and friends. Carrying the magic that shimmered just beyond the tick-tocking clock.
So, the next time you feel the rush of time or the weight of worries, remember Pippan the pup and the Heart of Now. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and listen for the quiet within. Even in the busiest world, the Heart of Now is always there in the precious present moment.