Under five minute story on emotions for beginning readers.
One crisp September morning, three boys found themselves waiting for the same school bus, each at a different stop and all three riding a roller coaster of emotions. Today was their first day at a new school, which they will all attend.
There was Finn, who dreamt of being a fearless explorer but secretly feared getting lost. He was wondering if anyone at the new school liked dinosaurs. Ethan, with eyes the color of melted chocolate, practiced saying “hello” to the clouds. He longed to make new friends but worried his jokes wouldn’t land. And Leo, sporting mismatched socks and a shy smile clutched a crumpled drawing of a robot dragon. He yearned to be a writer but trembled at the thought of sharing his stories.
The yellow behemoth of a bus lumbered down the road. With each stop, its doors hissing open like friendly dragons guarding portals to an uncharted realm. Each boy took a steadying breath, preparing to step into his odyssey.

Finn was first. He shuffled aboard, navigating the unfamiliar terrain of seats. At the next stop, Ethan stumbled on a step, his cheeks flushing as bright as the bus as he scanned the faces for kindred spirits. Finally, Leo climbed in, eyes glued to the floor, feeling as small as an ant under a magnifying glass.

They all settled into separate corners, each a lone island. Finn sat stiffly in the back, his book of maps a shield against the unknown. Ethan perched awkwardly in the middle, his jokes dying in his throat. Leo, seeking refuge, squeezed into a corner near the window.
The air crackled with unspoken anxieties, a symphony of nervous sighs and fidgeting fingers. Leo unfurled his dragon drawing, unable to bear the silence, hoping for a spark of connection. Suddenly, Ethan’s voice broke through the quiet, “Whoa, cool robot-dragon! Can it breathe fire?” His face lit up with a smile as he added, “I bet he only breathes pizza smoke. He needs fuel for all his explorations.โ Finn, drawn by the conversation, leaned forward. “Explorations? Like what?” he asked.
And just like that, a magical thread began weaving their lives together. The bus ride transformed into a playground of shared dreams. They laughed at each other’s jokes and discovered their worries were like paper tigers, shrinking with each shared word and laughter. Their newfound camaraderie was like a pebble tossed into a pond, creating ripples stretching outward. The other children, who had observed from a distance, were drawn to the trio’s genuine interaction. A sense of community vibrated through the air.
As the bus rumbled to a halt in front of the big, unknown school, the children stepped off the bus with purpose. Their first day at school was filled with happy adventures. They played and learned. Every challenge was easier because they had each other.
And so, the school year became a wonderful journey of friendship. The children learned that when you have friends who understand and support you, you can be brave, be yourself, and do amazing things.