My sister Paige draws pictures bright, She hangs them where they catch the light. But when the rain came pouring down, It made a river through our town.
Water filled our favorite park, And made the sunny day turn dark, I watched my sister gather stuff— "Can I help too?" "You're not big enough."
Mama drove us to the school, Where helpers followed special rules. My sister carried poster board, While I held crayons safely stored.
The gym was noisy, full of folk, Some wet and tired, some scared and broke. But sister Paige knew what to do: Make colorful signs to guide them through.
I sat beside her on the floor, And handed colors she asked for. Red marker, blue one, purple too— Each sign showed people what to do.
Some kids rode bikes to help the old, Some passed out water in the cold. And from a truck came yummy smells— Hot tacos wrapped in tortilla shells!
My job was testing all the signs: "Can you read these perfect lines?" I asked the people walking past, From first one through until the last.
The rain kept falling, soft and slow, But in the gym, hearts seemed to grow. My sister smiled and hugged me tight: "You helped make everything all right!"
Poetry that tells a story for preschoolers. Curled up on my window seat, With blankets making warmth complete, I press my nose against the glass, To...