Willow smiled, her heart so light. Smoky Mountain elk were home, all safe and right.

In the Smoky Mountains, green and tall,
Lived little Willow, brave but small.
Her parents worked as rangers there,
Protecting nature with loving care.

One autumn day, with leaves so bright,
Willow woke up filled with delight.
"Today's the day!" she said with glee,
"The elk return, oh what a sight to see!"

Mom and Dad packed up their truck,
With Willow's help (she brought good luck).
They drove along the winding road,
To where the elk would soon be showed.

Willow watches the Smoky Mountain elk
The meadow wide, with grass so high,
Stretched out beneath the bright blue sky.
Willow watched with eyes so keen,
For elk she'd never before seen.

Then from the woods, so proud and tall,
Came antlers first, then bodies small.
The elk stepped out into the light,
Their coats so brown, a wondrous sight.

Willow gasped and clapped her hands,
As elk explored their new homeland.
"Welcome home," she softly said,
As gentle breezes brushed her head.

The Smoky Mountain elk at sunset
The family watched till day grew dim,
And elk vanished at forest's rim.
Willow smiled, her heart so light,
For elk were home, all safe and right.

So if you visit those mountains high,
Look for elk as you pass by.
Remember Willow's tale of old,
Of elk returning, brave and bold.

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