A retelling of THE CRAB THAT PLAYED WITH THE SEA, a short story by Rudyard Kipling.

Once upon a time, in a world bursting with newness, there was a wise and gentle celestial Being named Dr. Wonder. Her special task was to watch over the newborn Earth, guiding its creatures towards their destinies.

On the shore of a pristine beach, young Tam built sandcastles and listened as Dr. Wonder spoke to the animals.

Dr. Wonder encouraged the elephants, “You’ll be big and strong, the pillars of the land!” She smiled and said to the dolphins, “You’ll dance and twirl in the ocean’s embrace, bringing joy to its depths!” And to the birds, she proclaimed, “Your songs will fill the sky, carrying messages of hope!โ€

Every creature embraced a sense of purpose… except for one little crab named Snappy. He wanted to play, to be free from responsibility. So, when he thought no one was looking, he scuttled away and hid deep within a hidden underwater cave.

Snappy the crab in our short story by rudyard kipling

Tam caught a glimpse of Snappy’s hasty retreat. For a moment, he considered calling out to Dr. Wonder, but curiosity got the better of him. What was that little crab up to? Tam decided to keep Snappy’s secret, at least for a while.

Tam sees Snappy scoot away

As days turned into weeks, Tam couldn’t shake the feeling that something was amiss. His daily visits to the beach became a rollercoaster of confusion. One moment, he’d be putting the finishing touches on a grand sandcastle. The next, a massive wave would crash in without warning, swallowing his creation whole and leaving him soaked and bewildered.

Other times, Tam would wade into the cool water, ready for a swim, only to find himself suddenly standing on wet sand, the ocean having retreated far beyond his reach. Fish flopped helplessly in tide pools, and seaweed lay strewn across the beach like abandoned party streamers.

These unpredictable changes weren’t just inconvenientโ€”they were scary. Unable to keep his worries to himself any longer, Tam gathered his courage and approached Dr. Wonder.

“Dr. Wonder,” he began, his voice trembling slightly, “something’s wrong with the ocean. It’s not… it’s not behaving right.” He took a deep breath and continued, the words tumbling out in a rush. “One minute it’s normal, then whoosh! It rushes in like a watery monster, destroying everything on the beach. And then, just as quickly, it runs away, leaving everyone high and dry. It’s like the ocean can’t make up its mind whether to stay or go!โ€

Tam’s shoulders slumped as he finished speaking, relieved to have shared his observations. He looked hopefully at Dr. Wonder, waiting to see if she could make sense of this watery mystery.

Dr. Wonder’s brow furrowed with concern. “The ocean should ebb and flow gently, not with such wild unpredictability. Something is amiss. Let us investigate!”

Together, they embarked on an underwater adventure, diving deep into the ocean’s hidden treasures. As they descended, colorful fish darted around their tiny submarine, and strange, glowing creatures floated by in the dark waters.

Suddenly, in the shadowy depths, they spotted something extraordinary. There, amid swirling currents and towering seaweed forests, they found Snappy. But he was no longer small and timid; he had grown to an enormous size, his massive shell dwarfing their submarine like a turtle might dwarf a tiny pebble.

Giant crab and bathysphere

“Snappy!” Dr. Wonder exclaimed, her voice filled with surprise and concern. “What are you doing?”

His voice booming through the water, Snappy replied, “I’m having fun! When I leave my cave to explore, the water rushes in to fill the space. And when I return, it all rushes out again!”

Dr. Wonder shook her head sadly. “Snappy, your playfulness is causing great distress for those who live by the shore. We must find a way to restore balance.”

With a wave of her celestial wand, she returned Snappy to his original size. She gently shaped sturdy claws for him and explained, โ€œThese claws are your tools for navigating this vast world. They will help you find food, build shelter, and defend yourself. You can explore the ocean floor, climb rocky shores, or burrow into the warm sand.โ€ The world is your playground, Snappy, but remember, your actions have consequences.”

“I can go anywhere!” Snappy exclaimed with excitement.

Dr. Wonder smiled warmly. “Indeed you can. But remember, once a year, your shell will soften, a gentle reminder to use your freedom wisely and consider the needs of others.”

To restore the ocean’s rhythm, Dr. Wonder enlisted the help of the Moon. The moon’s gentle pull would guide the tides, creating a predictable and harmonious dance between land and sea.

The moon over the ocean

With a quiet understanding, Tam had watched Snappy transform. A rebellious crab became a responsible member of the community.

And so, whenever you see a crab scuttling across the sand or peeking out from beneath a rock, remember Snappy’s story. Remember the importance of finding your place in the world, the power of self-control, and the gentle guidance of those who care.

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