Rudyard Kipling Just So Stories retold for preschoolers.

Have you ever seen a rhino? They have baggy, loose skin. But how did they get their baggy, loose skin? It may have happened when they learned to share!

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Cyrus. He lived on a sunny island and loved to bake cakes!

One day, Cyrus made a GINORMOUS cake. It smelled so good!

Cyrus bakes a cake in our rudyard kipling just so stories

A hungry rhino smelled the cake and raced to the scene.

Cyrus, being a friendly little fella, asked, “Would you like to share my cake, Mr. Rhino?”

But the rhino didn’t say anything. Nope, not a single word! He gobbled up the entire cake in one super-duper-BIG bite!

The Rino eats the whole cake

The rhino didn’t say “please,” “thank you,” or even “howdy-doody!” He just took a dip in the ocean, leaving Cyrus surprised and a bit sad.

Cyrus had an idea. He put some cake crumbs in the rhino’s beach towel while the rhino was swimming.

When the rhino came out of the water and dried off, he felt very itchy!

He rolled around in the sand, but it only made him itchier, and his skin got all baggy and loose.

Rino haas itchy skin in our rudyard kipling just so stories

“Oh no!” said the rhino. “Why am I so itchy?”

Cyrus said, “I put cake crumbs on your towel to show you how it feels when someone does something without asking. It doesn’t feel good, does it? Remember how you ate all my cake?”

The rhino finally understood. “I’m really sorry I ate your cake without sharing. Can we be friends?” he asked, hoping for a second chance.

Cyrus smiled. “Yes! Let’s make a new cake together.”

From that day on, Cyrus and the rhino were best friends. 

Cyrus and his Rino friend share cake

The rhino learned to be kind, and his wrinkly skin reminded him to always share.

The End.

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