The hungry caterpillar story in a sweet, short poem for preschoolers.

Cam the caterpillar, green and small,
Hatched out one day, ready to crawl!
A hungry tummy, a world to see,
Adventures waited, wild and free.

Breakfast first, a hungry tummy,
Lots to eat, oh so yummy!
Chirped a robin, "Here's a treat,
An apple so juicy, round and sweet."
Cam feasts on a red apple
A hopping rabbit, munching fast,
"Cabbage grows, a leafy blast!"
Earthworms wiggled, in the ground,
"We make soil healthy, all around!”

Buzz the bee showed sunflowers bright,
Helping plants grow day and night,
Spreading pollen as he flew.
Nature's balance, tried and true.
Cam and a friendly bee enjoy a sunflower
Mice with strawberries, giggling glee,
Groundhogs with broccoli, healthy to see.
A wise raccoon, a watermelon treat,
But too much food is hard to eat!
Cam chows down with mischievous mice
Cam ate and ate, with happy sighs,
But oh dear, too much, what a surprise!
A cozy cocoon, a place to rest,
Transforming dreams inside his nest.
Cam waits in his cocoon
Weeks went by, a change so bright,
Cam the butterfly took to flight!
Colors sparkling, wings so bold,
A garden healthy, a story told
Cam emerges as a butterfly in the hungry caterpillar story

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