A short updated Aesop fables story for preschoolers.
Deep beneath the waves, in an underwater world of sparkly, splashy blue, lived a school of fish, a friendly and fun-loving crew. There were Stripeys who came in all different stripes, Spotties with their polka dots, and Flubbers who were always blowing bubbles.
Among this group of friends, there were two fish who were especially close: Red Fish and Blue Fish. They’d splash and play all day long in their underwater park, but Red Fish had a silly trick of yelling out, “Shark!”
“Shark! Shark! EEK!” he’d shout, his voice all loud and strong. All the fish friends would come to help, but there was no shark to be found.
Red Fish did this again and again. “Just a joke!” he’d giggle with a happy little grin, “But oh, it’s so much fun to watch you swirl and spin!”
Blue Fish always warned him, “One day when a shark comes calling, they won’t believe. Red Fish didn’t listen; he thought he knew the best; his silly, sharky stories became a daily test. The other fish got tired, and they’d huff and puff and frown.
The day a real shark did appear, Red Fish cried, “Oh my, oh my! Shark! Shark! EEK!” his voice was full of fear, But all the fish just rolled their eyes, not again they mumbled; they didn’t want to hear.

Blue Fish saw the worry in Red’s big eyes. He knew that this was different, not one of Red Fish’s tricks. He begged the others, “Just this once, please trust! A shark is here among us. Help our friend; we must!”
When the shark swam away, Red Fish took a deep breath and thanked his lucky star. “You saved me,” he admitted, “And I see how things truly are. Telling the truth is the best thing to do.” Red Fish changed his silly ways and told the truth instead.
From that day, Red Fish and Blue Fish had lots of fun with all their fishy friends. They learned that trust and friendship make the ocean a happy place to play.