Five minute robot story for preschoolers.
Rusty, the robot, lived in a big, green forest. The trees were so tall they almost touched the clouds, and the sun made sparkles on the leaves. Squirrels with fluffy tails chattered in the branches, and a red fox with a pointy nose sniffed around the forest.
Rusty loved his home in the woods, but sometimes he felt lonely. He played with the squirrels and the fox, but they weren’t the same as a real friend. He wished he had someone to talk to.
One day, a boy named Owen came running through the forest. He was chasing a butterfly. Trip! Crash! Owen fell right on top of something hard.
“Ow!” said Owen. He looked down and saw…a robot! The robot was rusty and old, but its eyes blinked like friendly stars.
“Hello,” said Rusty in a creaky voice. “Who are you?”
“I’m Owen,” said the boy. “And you’re a talking robot! That’s so cool!”
Rusty and Owen became best friends. They made forts out of sticks, splashed in the creek, and looked for funny-shaped clouds in the sky. Owen told Rusty all about his family, school, and silly dog, Buster. Sometimes, they just sat together and didn’t say anything at all.
Even though Owen visited every day, Rusty still got a little sad when the sun went down and it was time for Owen to go home. He wished he had a family, too.
One afternoon, Owen had a big idea. “Rusty,” he said, “come with me! I want to show you something.”
Rusty followed Owen out of the forest and into a town with houses and cars. Owen took him to his own home and knocked on the door.

At first, Owen’s parents were a little surprised by the robot, but they soon saw how kind and friendly Rusty was.
Owen’s parents gave Rusty a big hug. “Welcome to our family, Rusty!” they said with big smiles.
Rusty’s heart felt warm and fuzzy. He wasn’t just a robot anymore; he was part of a family! He and Owen were still best friends, but now Rusty had more people to love.