Under five minute folklore story.

Way down south is where old Aunt Tiny lives. She’s as small as your teddy bear, but oh, so clever!

One hot, hot summer, the sun got cranky. It wouldn’t let the rain come! It baked the land so hard that all the water dried up! The flowers drooped, and the animals got thirsty.

One day, knock knock at Aunt Tiny’s door! There stood Miss Goose, flapping her wings. “Aunt Tiny, help!” she honked. “My baby goslings are so hot! They need a cool pond to play in, but the water’s all gone!”

Aunt Tiny looked up at the sky. No clouds, no rain, just that blazing hot sun. She thought and thought… then, a smile spread across her face! “I know what to do!” she said.

“Come on, friends!” Aunt Tiny called out. Brer Frog was there, and Miss Squirrel, even sleepy old Mr. Possum, came shuffling out yawning wide.

“We have a job to do!” Aunt Tiny said. “Everyone who has a mouth, go find a little bit of water…a puddle, a tiny stream, anywhere! Fill up your cheeks or your beak!” Mr. Possum looked confused.

“Then, come back and spit the water in this big bucket,” Aunt Tiny pointed to an old, rusty bucket. “We’ll fill it up for the goslings!”

The animals thought Aunt Tiny was a little bit crazy, but they did as she said. Brer Frog puffed out his cheeks like giant green bubblegum. Miss Squirrel’s cheeks looked like she was stashing all the acorns in the world! Even Mr. Possum tried his best, but he mostly made a funny sputtery sound.

All afternoon, they they worked – splish, splash, sploosh! That bucket got fuller and fuller. Finally, it held enough cool water, and the goslings ran over and splashed about, honking happily.

The goslings in the bucket in our folklore story

The rain didn’t come for a long time, but Aunt Tiny’s plan saved those goslings. And after that, all the critters knew – Aunt Tiny might be small, but her ideas were BIG!

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