A clever animal story from the mango jungle!

Under five minute bedtime story for preschoolers.

Riku the monkey loved his home by the river in the big mango tree. He had mango for breakfast every morning. Then, he would swing down and splash at the water’s edge to wash his face. It was the best home a monkey could want, except for one problem: crocodiles.

Snap sitting under the mango tree

Down in the river lived Chomper, the big crocodile, with his long, long teeth. And Chomper’s son, Snap, was always hungry!

One day, Snap’s mama said, “For dinner tonight, I want a monkey meal!” Snap didn’t like the sound of that, but he had to listen to his mama. 

Snap saw Riku looking at banana island. Riku loved bananas!

“Hey, Riku!” Snap called, “Want a ride to the bananas?”

Riku swung down. “But I can’t swim!” he said.

“Climb on!” Snap grinned. 

Riku rides on Snap's back!

Splash! They went into the water. Down, down they went. Riku was holding his breath!

“What are you doing?” Riku cried when they came up.

“Taking you to my mama!” Snap said sadly. “She wants a monkey meal.”

“Oh no!” Riku said. “I left my heart in the tree!”

Snap wasn’t very smart. He took Riku back. “Climb up and get it!” Snap shouted.

Whoosh! Up the tree went Riku.

Enjoy an animal story when Riku escapes from Snap's trick

“Silly crocodile,” Riku giggled. “My heart’s always with me!”

Riku was just too clever! Snap grumbled and swam away. Riku waved from high in his tree and called, ‘Maybe next time.”

Riku was safe now, and that’s what mattered most!

An adaptation of THE MONKEY AND THE CROCODILE from Eastern Stories and Legends By Marie L. Shedlock

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