A bedtime funny story of giggles, curls, and adventure.
Once upon a time, there were twins named Billy and Billy! Yes, that’s right – they both had the same name.
Papa Good was SO happy about the twins! He thought, “My boy will be William, just like me! And my girl… hmm, how about Wilhelmina. That is just right!”
Then Mama Good smiled and said, “I was thinking John and Jane would be such sweet names.”
Papa thought for a moment. “Hmm, Jane is quite nice, but William is such a strong name! We’ll call our boy Billy for short, isn’t that grand?”
Mama giggled. “Billy! Oh, I love that name! Well then, if our boy is Billy… our girl can be Billy too! And just like that, William and Wilhelmina were now…well, Billy and Billy Good!
Now, Mr. Good wasn’t the most organized fellow, and though he liked to think he was very clever, even he started to get a bit muddled about who was who!
Then, Wilhelmina’s hair started getting extra curly-wurly! Mrs. Good twirled it and twirled it until it bounced – boing, boing, boing! William’s hair had some curls, too, but not quite as bouncy as his sister’s. Now everyone knew which Billy was which!

One night, all cozy in bed, Billy and Billy heard something outside the window. “Pssst! Billy!” It called like a squeaky giggle.
“I think he wants you,” said Wilhelmina, pointing to her brother.
“No, no,” said William, “he wants YOU!”
They looked at each other. Who could it be?
“Let’s peek!” Wilhelmina whispered. They tiptoed to the window.
Wilhelmina giggled “He has a long beard and a big green hat!”
“Hmm,” whispered William, “I see funny boots and stripey socks!”
They giggled and guessed, whispering back and forth.
Was it a tickle goblin? Well…no one really knows for sure.
Some say the wind was playing tricks, while others think it might have been a silly squirrel chasing its tail! You’ll have to decide for yourself. All we know is that Billy and Billy Good, after sharing a brave hug, fell fast asleep with dreams of green hats, stripey socks, squirrels, and maybe even a friendly tickle goblin or two!