Under five minute story for preschoolers.

Mommy loves Clara SO much! She gives Clara a goodnight kiss and a big hug. “You’re my sweetie pie!”

Clara has a secret giggle. What if she pretends to disappear? No one can see her if she hides her smile!

“Goodnight, my Clara-bear,” Mommy says. “Sweet dreams.”

Clara remembers something fun… like a warm sunshine hug from long ago. It’s hard to catch, almost like a game!

“What are you thinking, little one?” Mommy asks. Clara just gives her a big smile. This happy feeling doesn’t need words!

“Sleep tight, my angel,” Mommy says, turning off the light.

Mommy goes out, and the room gets dark. Clara is one year old, and she learns so much every day! But there are certain things only babies know, like colors, can sing! Words are too small for such big feelings.

When Clara was tiny. Daddy wrote a poem about her! It got a bit squished, but some of the words were saved:

“Clara sees colors we can’t see,

Look in her eyes, and you’ll agree!”

“Teddy?” Clara whispers.

“Are you sleepy?” Clara asks.

“Kinda,” Teddy answers.

“Guess what, Teddy? I wasn’t asleep, and then I was!” Clara giggles.

“Okay, what now?” Teddy yawns.

“What’s the word for super happy, like a surprise tickle?”

“Hmm… chocolate cake?” Teddy suggests.

“Maybe not,” Clara says. “Big people words are funny sometimes.”

Clara wishes she had a word for the shimmery feeling in her tummy when the wind whooshes by.

“Sleep now,” Teddy mumbles. He’s almost snoozing.

“Teddy, will I always remember this other place?” Clara wonders.

“Always,” Teddy assures her. “Just a little bit.”

Clara snuggles down. Dreamy colors like rainbows dance in her head. One day, she’ll find the words to tell everyone all about them, but tonight is for feeling snuggly and warm.

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