A five minute story updated from one of the fables from aesop.

In a world beneath the waves, a truly dazzling blue, 
Lived a school of many fish, a wacky, wiggly crew. 
There were Stripeys and Spotties, with fins shaped like stars, 
And Flubbers who could build seaweed bubble cars.

A Seussian world, a colorful community, swimming with glee,
Lived Red Fish and Blue Fish, very best of friends you see.
They swam and they played, in their underwater park,
But Red Fish had a habit, of crying out โ€œShark!"

"Just a joke!" he'd bubble, with a mischievous grin, 
"But oh, it's so much fun to watch you swirl and spin!" 
Blue Fish always warned him, "One day they won't believe, 
And when a shark comes calling, no help you will receive.โ€
The fish did not like it when red fish cried Shark!

Red Fish didn't listen, he thought he knew the best, 
His silly sharky stories became a daily test. 
The other fish grew tired, their patience wearing thin, 
All Red Fish really wanted was to make a fishy din.

Then one day, as sunlight danced on coral bright and tall, 
A shadow long and slithery crept over the sandy wall. 
Red Fish cried "Shark!" with a voice full of dread,
But the sea creatures just scoffed, and swam off instead.
The shark is real in our fables from aesop
The Stripeys and the Spotties just rolled their bubbly eyes, 
The Flubbers sighed and grumbled, tired of Red Fish's lies. 
"Not again!" they grumbled, and turned their fins away, 
Red Fish had a sinking feeling as the shadow started to sway.

Blue Fish, however, could sense Red's true fear,
He rallied the others, pleading, "Friends, come near!
This time itโ€™s no joke, "Just this once, please trust! 
A shark is here among us, and help our friend we must!โ€

With fins and tails a-swishing, they formed a swirling shield,
The Stripeys made a maze that the shark could not quite yield.
Spotties puffed up proudly, their spots like giant eyes,
While Flubbers sent out bubbles, a distracting, foamy guise.
A wall of fish form a swirling shield
The shark, quite unamused by this daring, splashy fight,
With a flick of its great tail, vanished in the light.
Red Fish breathed in deeply, then bowed his head so low,
"You saved me," he admitted, "I've learned and I'll grow.โ€

Red Fish felt remorse for his silly games,
He knew now the value of truth and good names.
He vowed to be honest and trustworthy too,
His friends forgave him, as good friends should do.

From that day forward, Red Fish changed his tune,
He learned that honesty, was a precious boon.
With Blue Fish beside him, and friends all around,
He swam in the sea, where true joys could be found.

And all because a little fish learned 
Consequences are real, trust must be earned.
So here's the wisdom this tale does show,
With truth and trust, friendships can grow.
All the fish are friends again

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