A five minute frolic with our story dragon, Drake.
Once upon a time, in a kingdom not too far away (unless you’re a snail, then it might take a while), there lived a king with three sons: Prince Rowan, Prince Jasper, and the littlest, Prince Linden. The king loved his boys more than anything, even more than his favorite pair of royal bunny slippers! He had built them the most magnificent pond right in the castle’s front yard. The princes would swim, sail their toy boats, and pretend to be brave pirates searching for treasure, like their dad’s hidden stash of chocolate cookies!
But even the biggest pond can start to feel small. “We need something new!” Prince Rowan complained as they dried off in the warm sun. Something exciting!” Jasper agreed, and little Linden just nodded. Then, one sunny morning, a fantastic adventure came crashing right into their livesโliterally! SPLASH! BOOM! KERSPLAT!
Up in the mountains, high above the kingdom, lived a young dragon named Drake. As dragons go, he was a good dragon, but he was still learning. His flame puffs were more like smoky hiccups, and when he tried to fly, he always ended up with a clumsy BUMP! But Drake loved to explore, and one day, he spotted water shimmering far below like a giant mirror just waiting for him to make funny faces in it!
Drake thought, “Maybe a quick dip will cool my hot scales.” Down he swooped, wings flapping wildly, and landed in the king’s lake with a mighty SPLASH! Water flew everywhere, soaking the surprised princes.

“It’s a fire demon!” shrieked Rowan.
They raced to the castle, yelling, “Father! Father! A monster has invaded!”
The king, who hadn’t seen a monster since the winter solstice, was very concerned. He called his bravest guards and told them to investigate. The guards found Drake tangled in a pile of toy boats, looking more confused than scary. He was hiccuping, and little puffs of smoke were escaping instead of fearsome roars. Still, they dragged him back to the castle for safekeeping, with Drake tripping over his tail the whole way.
The princes whimpered and hid behind their father’s throne. When the king questioned the guards, they made Drake sound HUGE and TERRIFYING, with flames shooting from his mouth like a fire-breathing jack-in-the-box! The king decided this fire demon must be banished or at least given a time-out!
His advisors had many ideas. “Throw it from the highest tower!” suggested one, who had clearly been reading too many fairy tales. “Leave it in the deep, dark forest!” shouted another. Finally, a little old man who was very afraid of water (and probably baths) had the most dreadful plan: “Your majesty, Throw the beast into the river!”
Drake squeaked (dragons have funny squeaky voices when they’re young, like a mouse in a helium factory!), “But I just want to go home and take a nap!” His pleas were ignored, and the guards carried him grumbling towards the river. Little Prince Linden looked at Drake’s sad eyes and felt a tug at his heart. The dragon didn’t seem so scary anymore; he just seemed lost and confused, like that time Linden tried to make a sandwich and ended up with peanut butter in his hair and jelly on his shoes!

Just as they reached the riverbank, Drake saw his chance. With a mighty flap, then another, and another, he was airborne! He soared away, leaving the guards open-mouthed and the king looking silly with his crown all askew.
The princes watched Drake disappear into the clouds. They didn’t feel scared anymore, just a bit curious. And they learned a very important lesson that day. Sometimes, things that look strange and different on the outside are really just a little bit clumsy and lost, like a dragon in a pond or a prince with peanut butter in his hair and jelly on his shoes!
And from that day on, whenever the princes saw something they didn’t understand, they remembered their new dragon friend and tried to look past the surface. After all, you never know when a scary-looking creature might just need a helping hand, a kind word, or maybe a napkin to clean up a very sticky situation!
The princes also learned that mistakes are okay, like Drake’s clumsy landing or Linden’s silly sandwich mishap. What matters is that you keep trying, learning, and being kind to others, even if they seem a little different at first. You might just make a new friend or discover a new adventure!