A story poem with a heart.

3.5 minute read for beginning readers.

Be Nice to a Friend Who Needs Help 
When clouds gather and skies turn gray,
And your friend seems lost, in dismay,
Lend an ear, a hand, or a shoulder to lean,
For in moments of need, your heart is seen.
“Here I am,” you say with a gentle tone,
“To remind you that you’re never alone.”
Together, you’ll find a way through the storm,
In acts of kindness, true friendships are born.

There are many ways to be nice to a friend who needs help

Be Nice to an Elderly Person
In the park where whispers play, 
And leaves dance about in a graceful ballet,
Sits a bench, old and worn, where stories await,
From a kind elder whose tales are great.
“Hello, dear friend,” with a smile so wide,
“Would you like to sit by my side?”
Sharing stories, laughter, and time,
Showing kindness is truly sublime.

Boy talking with elderly woman in city park

Be Nice to Your Pets
In the warmth of your home, where love resides,
Your furry friend eagerly awaits by your side.
With a stroke, a treat, or a playful chase,
Show them love, and embrace their grace.
“Thank you, dear pet, for the joy you bring,”
Your kindness makes their hearts sing.
In every purr, wag, or joyful leap,
A bond of unconditional love you’ll keep.

One of the ways to be nice is to your pets

Be Nice to a Stray or Injured Animal
On your path, should you find a soul in need,
A stray or an animal, you must heed.
With gentle hands and a soothing voice,
Make a choice that makes their tails rejoice.
“Let’s find you help,” you whisper with care,
Showing them the world has love to spare.
In your act of kindness, hope is born,
A beacon of light in their storm.

Be nice to a lost animal

Be Nice to a New Kid in School
In a sea of faces, new and old,
One stands alone, shy and bold.
“Come join us,” you say with a smile so bright,
“In our world, every friend is a light.” 
Through your kindness, you’ll both discover,
A friendship like no other to uncover.
In a world that’s sometimes big and scary,
Being nice makes it extraordinary.

Be a friend to the new kid in school

Be Nice and Help Out in Your Family or Town
In the heart of your home or the streets of your town,
Opportunities to be kind abound.
“Let me help,” with hands ready to serve,
Giving back more than anyone could deserve.
From a chore at home to a community deed,
Your acts of kindness plant love’s seed.
In every gesture, big or small,
Being nice is the greatest gift of all.

Help out in family or town

So, dear reader, as you turn each page,
Remember, kindness is wise at any age.
There are many ways to be nice,
Each act of kindness is a precious slice.
In a world where love and care unite,
Making every day a little more bright.

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