An adaptation of The Story of the City of Brass from The 1001 Arabian Nights.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Tale of Solomon’s Bottles

In the beautiful city of Damascus, there lived a king named Adil. One day, he was sitting in his grand palace with all his advisors, sharing stories about the past. They were especially excited to talk about the famous King Solomon, who was known to be the wisest king who ever lived.
“Have you heard,” one advisor said, leaning forward in his chair, “about the amazing powers of King Solomon? He could talk to animals, command the winds, and even make friends with magical creatures called genies!”
“Yes!” another added. “They say he was so wise and powerful that when genies caused too much mischief, he would teach them a lesson by keeping them in special brass bottles until they learned to behave better.”
Then Talib, one of the king’s most trusted advisors, spoke up. “Let me tell you something that happened to some sailors I know,” and everyone gathered closer to listen.
“These sailors were on a journey to Sicily when a huge storm blew their ship far off course. The night was pitch black, and they had no idea where they were going. When the sun rose, they found themselves in a strange land they’d never seen before.
On this mysterious shore, they met a village of fishermen who made their homes in caves by the sea.
Though they looked different from anyone the sailors had ever met, they were masters of the waves and keepers of ocean mysteries.
As the sailors were exploring the beach, they watched a fisherman pull in his net and caught in it was an ancient brass bottle, covered in beautiful markings.
The fisherman opened it, and a cloud of blue smoke poured out and floated toward the sky. The smoke formed into an enormous shape, as tall as a mountain!
They heard a booming voice cry out, “O great Solomon, I promise to use my magic only for good deeds from now on!” and then the shape vanished into thin air.
The sailors were amazed. “Don’t be afraid,” the fisherman explained, “that was one of King Solomon’s genies. Whenever we find one, the same thing happens – the genie still thinks Solomon rules the kingdom and makes the same promise to be good!”
King Adil leaned forward, amazed by Talib’s story. “I must see these magical bottles for myself!” he declared.
Chapter 2: The Journey Begins

Talib smiled and said, “My king, you don’t even have to leave your palace to make this happen. You could send a message to Commander Moosa in the Western Lands. His territory is right next to where these bottles have been found.”
King Adil thought this was a brilliant idea.
“I would be honored!” Talib bowed, “to be your messenger to the Western Lands.”
King Adil wrote an important letter to Commander Moosa explaining his wish to find King Solomon’s magical bottles and asking the Commander to lead this special quest.
With the royal message, he gave Talib everything needed for a magical journey: a group of brave soldiers, sturdy camels, supplies for many months of travel, and a pouch of gold coins that jingled with possibilities.
Talib traveled first to Egypt, where Commander Moosa welcomed him warmly. When Moosa read the king’s letter, he placed it respectfully on his head. This, an ancient custom, shows deepest respect – just as his father and grandfather had done before him when receiving messages from their king.
“I will gladly follow King Adil’s wishes,” he said, his voice full of honor.
Moosa knew this wouldn’t be an easy quest. He called together his wisest advisors and asked, “Who can guide us on such a difficult journey?”
His advisors all agreed: “You must speak with Master Hakim. He’s the most experienced traveler in all the land. He knows every desert, sea, and mysterious place you can imagine. If anyone can help you find these bottles, it’s him.”
Master Hakim was brought before Commander Moosa.
Master Hakim appeared as ancient as the stories he knew. His face was mapped with wrinkles. His back was bent with years. Age had softened his steps but not his spirit. With a flowing silver beard and eyes that held the light of countless journeys, Master Hakim was a guardian of ancient mysteries.
“Wise Master,” said Commander Moosa, “our king wishes us to find King Solomon’s magical bottles. I hear you know the way. Will you help us?”
Master Hakim stroked his beard thoughtfully. “I must warn you, Commander, it will take two years to get there and two more to return. We’ll face many challenges and see many strange and wonderful things along the way.” Then he smiled and added, “But with your brave leadership, I believe we can do it!”
This made Commander Moosa happy but also a little nervous. He was about to embark on the biggest adventure of his life.
Chapter 3 The Brass Horseman

After many days of traveling through mysterious lands, with Master Hakim leading the way, the group came to a steep hill. Standing on top of it was a horseman made entirely of brass! The tip of his spear shone so brightly it almost hurt their eyes to look at it. There was a message carved into the base of the statue:
“Traveler, if you seek the City of Enchantment,
here’s what you must do: gently rub the horseman’s hand.
He will turn and point the way.
Follow where he points, and you’ll find the city you seek.”
Commander Moosa did as the message said. When he rubbed the horseman’s hand, the statue moved quick as lightning, turning to point in a completely different direction from the way they had been going.
Following the brass horseman’s direction, they continued their journey. They spotted something strange in the distance.
“What is that?” Commander Moosa asked, pointing at the mysterious sight.
“Good news, Commander!” Master Hakim said excitedly. “That’s the City of Enchantment itself! I’ve read about it in the Book of Hidden Treasures.”
Chapter 4: The City of Enchantment

They were amazed by what they saw when they finally reached the city. The walls were taller than anything they’d ever seen – so high they seemed to touch the clouds. The city had twenty-five gates, each one more beautiful than the last, but something was odd about them. Try as they might, they couldn’t figure out how to open any of them.
“Master Hakim,” said Commander Moosa, looking puzzled, “These gates don’t seem to have any handles or keyholes!”
“Ah,” replied the Master, “according to the Book of Hidden Treasures, these gates can only be opened from inside the city. They’re protected by powerful magic.”
Commander Moosa had an idea. He asked one of his young soldiers to ride a camel around the entire city to see if he could find any way in. The brave soldier rode for two days and two nights without stopping. Finally, he returned on the third day to share the wonder at what he had seen.
“Commander,” he reported, shaking his head in amazement, “this city is more magical than anything I’ve ever seen! The walls change color with the sun’s movement, and I heard the most beautiful music coming from within – like a lullaby for dreams.”
Commander Moosa decided to get a better look. He took Talib and Master Hakim with him, and together, they climbed a mountain that faced the city. At the top, they could hardly believe their eyes.
Below them stretched the magnificent city. Beautiful towers reached toward the sky. It seemed like a city from the most wonderful dream anyone had ever had.
Yet something was mysterious about it. While they could see movement in the streets, everyone appeared to be moving very, very slowly.
Chapter 5: The Silver Ladder

Commander Moosa and his companions returned to their camp. Gathered around their evening fire, Commander Moosa asked his officers, “How can we get inside to see its wonders? Surely, there must be a way to break this enchantment.”
Talib had an idea. “Why don’t we build a ladder? We could climb up and perhaps find a way to open the gates from the inside.”
“That’s exactly what I was thinking!” said Commander Moosa. He called for the carpenters and blacksmiths in their group. “Build us the strongest ladder you can make,” he ordered. “Cover it with silver to protect it against any enchantments.”
It took a whole month and many workers to build the ladder. When they finally stood it up against the city wall, it reached all the way to the top, fitting perfectly.
“Amazing work!” Commander Moosa praised his craftsmen. Then he asked, “Who wants to climb up and find a way into the city?”
One brave soldier stepped forward. “I’ll do it, Commander!”
The soldier climbed all the way to the top. When he reached it, he stood and looked at the city below. Suddenly, he clapped his hands and shouted, “It’s beautiful!”
To everyone’s amazement, a shower of silver sparkles surrounded him, and he seemed to float gently down into the city, disappearing from sight.
Commander Moosa was worried. “We must find another way,” he said. “We can’t risk losing more of our people to this enchantment!”
But others were curious. One after another, they climbed the ladder, and each, in turn, was surrounded by silver sparkles and floated away – twelve brave soldiers in all.
Finally, Master Hakim stepped forward. “Let me try,” he said. “I know many ancient spells of protection. Perhaps I can resist the city’s magic.”
“No!” said Commander Moosa. “We can’t lose you – you’re our guide! Without you, none of us will make it home.”
But Master Hakim replied gently, “I might succeed where the others failed. And something tells me our friends aren’t lost – they’re just under the city’s spell, waiting for us to find them.”
After much discussion, everyone agreed to let the wise Master try.
Chapter 6: The Golden Gates

Master Hakim stood up tall and said a blessing. Then, he began to climb the ladder, speaking ancient words of protection as he went higher and higher. When he reached the top, he clapped his hands just like the others had done, and everyone below held their breath.
“Master Hakim!” they called out. “Be careful! Don’t let the enchantment take you too!”
The wise Master stayed very still for a long time, continuing to chant his protective spells. Then suddenly, he called down with joy in his voice: “Don’t worry, Commander! I can see through the city’s magic! Let me tell you what I see!”
“What is it?” Commander Moosa asked eagerly.
“When I look down,” Master Hakim explained, “I see the city’s dream magic at work. Enchanted veils dance between earth and sky, shimmering like water, creating the illusion of peaceful waters below.
Our friends didn’t fall; they answered the city’s enchanted invitation to float into the magical pool! But I’ve seen such spells before and know they’re just beautiful dreams.”
The Master carefully walked along the top of the wall until, looking closely, he noticed a second brass horseman statue on one of the gates. The horseman had one arm stretched out, pointing at something. There were words carved next to it that said:
“Turn the pin in the middle of the horseman’s chest twelve times
while speaking words of kindness,ย and the gate will open.”
Master Hakim studied the brass horseman carefully.
“Commander,” he called down, “I’m going to try something. Everyone, think kind thoughts!”
He took a deep breath and placed his hand on the pin in the horseman’s chest. As he turned it the first time, he said, “May kindness light our way.”
Another turn: “May wisdom guide our steps.” With each turn, he spoke another gentle wish, and the statue began to glow with a golden light.
On the twelfth turn, as Master Hakim said, “May we bring peace wherever we go,” the gates made a sound like distant bells. Slowly, gracefully, they began to open.
“It worked!” he called to his companions. “But wait – we must enter carefully. Commander Moosa, remember our friends who floated down into the city? I can see them now!”
Commander Moosa rushed forward. “Are they alright?”
“Yes,” Master Hakim smiled. “They’re all safely asleep, but we’ll need to be clever to wake them.
Come, let only half our group enter for now. The rest should stay outside to keep watch.”
Commander Moosa agreed and chose which soldiers would come with them. As they stepped through the golden gates, they entered a world more magical than anything they had ever imagined.
Chapter 7: Inside the Enchanted City

As Commander Moosa led his chosen group through the gates, they entered a world that seemed to exist between waking and dreaming.
Their first stop was the garden, where their companions lay sleeping peacefully. Each soldier looked as if they were having the most beautiful dream.
“Don’t worry,” Master Hakim reassured everyone. “We’ll find a way to wake them once we understand more about this enchantment.”
Moving further into the city, they discovered a marketplace full of life – though all moved as slowly as honey dripping from a spoon.
Everywhere they looked, they saw people in deep, peaceful sleep – merchants bargaining over beautiful fabrics that rippled without any wind, musicians with instruments in their hands. Children were caught in the middle of playing games, their laughter somehow still echoing in the air.
“It’s as if time itself has slowed to almost a stop,” whispered Commander Moosa, afraid to break the magical silence.
“Yes,” Master Hakim agreed. “But notice the fruit in the market stalls looks perfectly ripe, the flowers are in full bloom, and even the fountain waters move, though very slowly. This is an enchantment of endless dreaming.”
They found themselves facing a magnificent palace at the end of the market.
“Shall we go in?” Commander Moosa asked.
Master Hakim nodded. “Yes, but remember – in a place of such powerful magic, we must be respectful and gentle. The answers we seek about this enchantment – and how to break it – are surely within.”
Chapter 8: The Palace of Dreams

Commander Moosa and Master Hakim led their group into the palace. They walked through the halls, their footsteps echoing in the stillness.
They discovered a great chamber with eight beautiful doors made of sweet-smelling sandalwood. In the center of the chamber stood a fountain where water flowed upward instead of down, forming shapes of birds and butterflies before dissolving into mist.
“Come look at these chambers with me,” Commander Moosa said to Master Hakim.
In the first chamber, they found pearls glowing like tiny moons and jewels changing color in time with the viewers’ thoughts.
The second chamber held enchanted armor and weapons. Shields hummed protection songs. Swords glowed with different colors, each representing a noble virtue.
But it was what they found next that truly amazed them.
Chapter 9: The Sleeping Princess

Behind a door made of ivory and moonlight, they discovered a hallway paved with stones. At the end of the magical hallway, they came to a room with a floor made of polished crystal, so smooth and clear that it looked like they were walking on air.
Above them rose a dome that seemed to hold all the colors of sunrise, and beneath it, on a raised platform, stood a delicate pavilion with four magical birds perched at its corners.
In the center of the pavilion lay a beautiful young princess on a couch covered in lavender silk. She looked like she might have closed her eyes a moment ago to rest.
Two guardian statues stood beside her couch – one carved from silver, the other from gold. Each held a magnificent sword, and between them floated a tablet.
“Would you like me to read it?” Master Hakim asked softly.
Commander Moosa nodded, and the wise Master began to read the princess’s story.
“In the name of the Most Merciful, greetings to those who find our sleeping city.
I am Princess Tedmur, daughter of the King of Wonders. Let me tell you our tale:
We were once the most fortunate of all people. My father taught me to rule with kindness and wisdom. We had everything anyone could want, and we lived in harmony for many years.
Then, one day, a wise woman came to our gates seeking shelter. We turned her away, saying our city was too grand for common travelers.
We did not know she was a powerful enchantress. She revealed herself in a flash of light and said, “If you choose to keep your hearts closed, then your city shall sleep until it is awakened by one whose heart is truly open.”
Master Hakim continued reading the tablet.
We dream here in our enchanted city, waiting for someone wise enough to awaken us. All you see is yours to explore, but remember – some treasures are meant to be given, not taken.
You may take any magical objects you find freely offered in our halls. But the personal belongings of our sleeping people – especially the royal jewels I wear – must remain untouched.
These are not just decorations but hold the essence of our magic. Disturbing them will only deepen our enchanted sleep.
If you are kind and wise, perhaps you will find a way to wake us. Until then, we dream of the day we can share our wonders with the world again.
May wisdom guide your steps and kindness light your way.
– Princess Tedmur”
As Master Hakim finished reading, a soft chime sounded through the air. The magical birds at the corners of the pavilion turned their heads to look at the visitors as if waiting to see what they would do next.
Chapter 10: The Test of Hearts
When Commander Moosa heard the princess’s message, he understood. “These people aren’t cursed,” he said softly, “they’re being taught a lesson about sharing and kindness. We must be very careful about what we do next.”
“Let’s gather some of the freely offered treasures to take back to King Adil,” Master Hakim suggested. “There are so many wonderful things in the great hall that we needn’t disturb any sleepers.”
But Talib stepped forward, his eyes fixed on the princess’s glowing jewels. “Commander,” he said, “surely these magical jewels would make the finest gift for our king. Think how impressed he would be! And after all, the princess is only sleeping – she doesn’t need such fine things right now.”
Commander Moosa frowned and shook his head. “Did you not hear the princess’s warning? These jewels contain magic that’s important to the city. We must respect her wishes – we are not people who take what isn’t freely given.”
But Talib wouldn’t listen. “They’re just words on a tablet! What harm could it do to take just one small jewel?”
Despite the Commander’s warnings, Talib started toward the princess.ย
Suddenly, the guardian statues began to move! The silver one raised its sword, creating a wall of sparkling light, while the golden one gestured toward Talib. He vanished in a flash of light – transported back outside the city gates.
A gentle voice echoed through the room: “Let this be a reminder that greed has no place in a city of dreams.”
Chapter 11: The Freely Given Gifts

Commander Moosa turned to his companions. “Let’s gather only what has been offered,” he said. “Master Hakim, can you guide us in choosing wisely?”
Master Hakim nodded and led them back through the palace chambers. In each room, certain objects seemed to be inviting the travelers to take them.
From the first chamber, they carefully selected a small bag of self-spinning gold coins that danced with joy when shared.
In the second chamber, they found a map that showed the safest paths through any journey.
From the third chamber, they chose a goblet that filled itself with cool, fresh water for thirsty travelers.
“Look!” said one of the soldiers in amazement. “The more carefully we choose, the more the city seems to want to share with us!”
A soft chime rang through the palace as they finished gathering the magical gifts. All the floating lights in the air gathered together, forming words that glowed briefly before them:
“You have chosen wisely and with kind hearts.
Before you leave, one more gift is waiting in the garden.”
Chapter 12: Farewell to the Sleeping City

Following the trail of lights, they returned to the garden where their twelve companions still slept. Each sleeping soldier now had a crystal flower blooming nearby. As Master Hakim bent to examine the flowers, they chimed a gentle melody.
“Ah,” he said with a smile. “These are Awakening Flowers. They will help us wake our friends from their enchanted sleep when we return home.”
Commander Moosa carefully instructed his men to carry their sleeping companions. As they did so, the crystal flowers floated and followed along, still playing their sweet music.
They returned to the princess’s chamber one last time. Commander Moosa bowed respectfully and said, “Thank you for sharing your wonders with us. I hope one day someone will solve the riddle of your enchantment and wake your people.”
As if in response, the magical birds at the corners of the pavilion began to sing a melody of hope. The guardian statues lowered their swords in a gesture of farewell, and the princess’s smile glowed softly.
As they walked back through the city toward the gates, all the sleeping people seemed peaceful in their dreams, as if sharing a wonderful secret.
Chapter 13: The People of the Sea
The group traveled along the seashore until they came to a tall mountain beside the ocean. Instead of looking frightening, the mountain was dotted with caves, each twinkling with warm, welcoming light.
Living in these caves were people wearing clothes decorated with shells and pearls. They watched with friendly smiles from their cave entrances.
Waving and laughing, children ran out to greet the approaching travelers.
“Who are these people?” Commander Moosa asked Master Hakim.
“These,” said Master Hakim with a bright smile, “are exactly the people we’ve been looking for!”
They set up their camp, and soon, the leader of the sea people came down to meet them. He wore a crown of coral and moved with the grace of one who had spent his life near the waves.
He greeted Commander Moosa with a graceful bow, and to everyone’s delight, he spoke their language perfectly!
The sea people’s leader looked at them and asked, “Are you ordinary travelers, or perhaps magical beings? We see so few visitors in our hidden cove.”
Commander Moosa laughed, saying, “We’re ordinary people on an extraordinary quest. We thought you might be magical beings living here in this beautiful place between the mountain and the sea!”
The leader smiled and shook his head. “We are ordinary people whose ancestors learned the secrets of the sea from ancient times. We live by this special bay where the waters hold many magical treasures.”
Commander Moosa explained their quest: “We serve King Adil, who has heard tales of magical bottles from the time of King Solomon.
In these bottles are powerful genies who have learned to use their magic wisely. Our king would love to see these wonderful bottles. Can you help us?”
“Of course!” said the sea people’s leader. “But first, you must be our guests. No one begins a journey of wonder on an empty stomach!”
They found themselves welcomed to a feast of fish, fruit and bread. Tables were set right on the beach.
As they ate, the sea people shared stories of dancing dolphins who brought them messages and kind water spirits who helped guide their boats safely.
“Now,” said the leader after everyone had eaten their fill, “about those magical bottles…” He called out in a musical language, and several young people came forward. They wore diving clothes made from fish scales.
“These are our best divers,” he explained. “They know every secret place in our bay. If Solomon’s bottles are here, they’ll find them.”
The divers bowed and dove into the water. Their movements were so smooth they barely made a ripple. Everyone watched the water’s surface, which had turned as smooth as glass.
After what seemed like forever, but was probably only a few minutes, small lights appeared deep in the water. They grew brighter and brighter as they came closer to the surface. Then, with joyful splashes, the divers emerged – and in their hands were twelve brass bottles, each covered in mysterious markings.
Chapter 14: The Bottles’ Secret

The sea divers carefully placed each unique bottle on a bed of soft sand.
“These bottles have been waiting a very long time to be found,” said the sea people’s leader. “Each one holds a genie who learned wisdom from King Solomon. But be careful – they must be opened with respect and kindness.”
Commander Moosa had an idea. “Should we open one here to make sure we’re doing it correctly?”
The leader nodded approvingly. “A wise thought. Let me show you the proper way.”
He chose the smallest bottle and held it gently in both hands. “First, we thank the bottle for keeping its treasure safe for so long,” he explained. “Then, with care, we open it.”
As he removed the stopper, a swirl of colored mist rose from the bottle. It took the shape of a magnificent being made of light.
“Greetings, wise ones,” the genie said. “I am honored to meet those who approach with such respect. Long ago, King Solomon taught us that true power lies in how we help others. I promise to use my magic only for good and kindness.”
The genie bowed gracefully, leaving behind a shower of sparkles that turned into tiny flowers when they touched the sand.
Chapter 15: Gifts and Goodbyes

The sea people’s kindness touched Commander Moosa. Opening his travel bags, he drew out a delicate bell that played friendship melodies.
“Please,” Commander Moosa said to the sea people’s leader, “accept this gift as thanks for your help.”
The leader smiled, saying, “What a wonderful treasure! And we, too, have something special to share.”
He brought forward a shell that whispered stories of the sea when held to the ear.
“These stories will calm your bottled friends, for even genies find peace in tales of wonder.”
Master Hakim carefully packed the twelve bottles in soft cloths.
Before leaving, Commander Moosa asked one last question: “Will we see you again?”
The sea people’s leader smiled mysteriously. “When wisdom calls, paths have a way of crossing again. You’ll always be welcome in our hidden cove.”
As they prepared to leave, the children of the sea people scattered flower petals in their path, and dolphins leaped in the bay as if waving goodbye.
Chapter 16: The Journey Home

Commander Moosa and his companions began their journey back to Damascus. But this time, the way seemed easier.
As they traveled, they passed again by the City of Enchantment. In the distance, its towers still gleamed in the sunlight.
“It’s time,” said Master Hakim, taking out the Awakening Flowers. He placed one beside each of their sleeping companions and hummed softly. The flowers joined in, their chimes growing stronger, and one by one, their friends opened their eyes.
“What wonderful dreams we had!” the awakened soldiers exclaimed. Though they had missed the rest of the adventure, they were happy to be part of the journey home.
Finally, they saw the familiar towers of Damascus rising in the distance. Word of their return spread quickly through the streets, and people came out to greet them with cheers.
Chapter 17: Return to King Adil

The palace’s great hall was filled with excitement as Commander Moosa and his companions were welcomed home. King Adil rose from his throne, his face beaming joy at seeing his friends return safely.
“Tell us everything!” the king exclaimed, and everyone gathered close to hear the tale.
Commander Moosa told their story, while Master Hakim added magical details, and the other travelers shared their special memories.
“Shall we meet these wise genies?” King Adil asked.
Then came the moment everyone had been waiting for. With great care, the twelve bottles were unwrapped.
Following the sea people’s teaching, they opened each bottle with respect and kindness. As each stopper was removed, the great hall filled with swirling colors – ruby red, sapphire blue, emerald green, and more. The genies appeared one by one, each form unique and beautiful.
They bowed to King Adil and spoke together, “Greetings, wise king. We are honored to meet one who seeks knowledge rather than power. We promise to use our magic to help bring joy and wonder to your kingdom.”
Chapter 18: Magic Lives On

As the years passed, the genies became trusted friends rather than mysterious beings in bottles.
Travelers came from far and wide to learn from the Genies’s wisdom:
True magic comes from sharing what you have.
Wisdom is worth more than gold.
Kindness is the greatest power of all.
Every person has their own kind of magic to share.
Some say that one day when enough people understand these truths, the City of Enchantment will wake from its dreams. Until then, it waits, patiently. Reminding us that sometimes that is the most powerful magic of all.
The End
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